释义 |
產產 | 814A25 60.11 | 部居
![](Images/linyutang/Lexis/Lindict/Radical/rad_gif/rad100.gif) | 畫數 11 | ㄔㄢˇ [chan3] | N. | (1) Property: 財產 property; 房產 realty; 治產 buy, own or manage property; 承產 inherit property; 共產 Communism, -nist, 20.80; 私產 private property; 家產 family property; 破產 bankrupt, -cy; 遺產 inherited property; 不動產 real property. (2) Production, product, produce: 生產 production of goods; 產品,產物 [chan3pin3], [chan3wu4]↓; 產地 where goods are produced; 農產 farm produce; 水產 marine products; 土產 local products. (3) Industry: 產業 [chan3ye4]↓. (4) Maternity, see V.t.1↓.
| V.t. | (1) To give birth: 產科 [chan3ke1]↓; 產婆,產婦 [chan3po2], [chan3fu4]↓; 生產 give birth to children, (of animals) reproduce their kind. (2) To produce (goods, vegetables etc.): 多產,盛產 multiply fast, very reproductive.
| Words | 1. 產權 [chan3qUan2], n., property rights. 2. 產額 [chan3e2], n., rate or volume of production. 3. 產房 [chan3fang2], n., maternity ward. 4. 產婦 [chan3fu4], n., a lying-in mother (the mother during maternity). 5. 產後 [chan3hou4], adj., puerperal; 產後熱 puerperal fever. 6. 產科 [chan3ke1], n., obstetrices, maternity department. 7. 產量 [chan3liang4], n., capacity or volume of production. 8. 產門 [chan3men2], n., (rare) woman's genitals. 9. 產娩 [chan2mian3], n., parturition. 10. 產品 [chan2pin3], n., product(s). 11. 產婆 [chan3]-(')[po2], n., midwife. 12. 產蓐 [chan3ru4], n., child delivery; 產蓐 (褥) 熱 puerperal fever, see [chan3hou4]↑. 13. 產生 [chan3sheng1], v.t., (1) to produce (fish, grapes, etc.); (2) to cause, give rise to (misunder-standing, riots, trouble, results, etc.). 14. 產物 [chan3wu4], n., products of land. 15. 產業 [chan3ye4], (coll. [chan3ye0]), n., (1) property; (2) industry.