释义 |
理理 | 484A35 31A.11-4 | 部居
| 畫數 11 | ㄌㄧˇ [li3] | N. | (1) Reason, what is right, reasonable, and proper: 道理 reason; 天理 divine law, law of nature; 公理 justice; 情理 justifiablility, reasonableness; 不近情理 unreasonable; 合理 conforming to reason; 講理 reasonable in speech or action, to weigh the pros and cons; 入情入理 perfectly logical and reasonable; 無理取鬧 refuse to listen to reason; 理直氣壯 selfconfident on the strength of one's being right; 理所當然,理當如此 it's only right and proper; 不可理喻 will not listen to reason; 據理力爭 try to convince one's opponent with an argument; 理屈詞窮 have nothing more to say on realizing one's own shaky stand; 理虧 (of actions, arguments, etc.) indefensible; 理短 ditto; 於理不合 improper and unreasonable; 理應,理合 duty-bound, as a matter of course, the proper course to take is…; 理由 [li3you2]↓; 原理 basic principles; 定理 axioms. (2) Line, grain, vein, line of thought: 條理 logical arrangement; 條理分明 (writing) clearly arranged; 有條有理 properly and logically arranged, orderly; 分理 proper disposition; 肌理 skin texture; 腠理 ditto; 紋理 veins, wood grain, arrangement of lines and curves; 文理 literary style, diction; 文理清順 reads smoothly. (3) The rationale of things: 物理 (學) physics; 事理 the wherefore and why of things; 學理 academic theories; 心理 (學) a mental state; 心理學 psychology; 地理 geography; 論理 logic; 倫理 ethics; 理學 [li3xUe2]↓. (4) The natural sciences: 理科 [li3ke1], 理工 [li3gong1]↓. (5) (AC) prison official, a judicial officer. (6) A surname.
| V.t. | (1) Take notice of, pay attention to: 不理 ignore; 不要理他 take no notice of him; 要理不理 attend to (person, duty) halfheartedly; 理會 [li3hui4]↓. (2) To polish (gems), hence, to clean up, regulate, arrange, repair, put in proper order, manage: 修理 to mend; (sl.) (of police methods) to give s.o. the works; 清理 clear up (desk, drawer, room, books, etc.); 整理 readjust, rearrange; 自理 take care of (s.t.) oneself; 理髮 [li3fa3]↓; 理頭髮 to comb hair; 梳理 (lit.) to comb hair, (fig.) straighten out or arrange (things, data) in proper order; 理東西 clean up things; 理書包 clean up the book bag (of a schoolchild); 理行李 pack up baggage; 理理屋子 to tidy up the rooms a bit; 理衣服 adjust clothing. (3) To manage: 理喪事 manage a funeral; 理財 [li3cai2]↓; 處理 deal or cope with; 治理 to rule or manage; 署理,代理 act for (s.o.); 辦理 do, carry out; 掌理 be in control of; 管理 manage; 監理 supervise; (總)經理 (general) manage(r); 綜理 oversee; 總理 exercise general supervision over, a director general, premier; 助理 an assistant; 副理 a deputy manager; 襄理 an assistant manager; 協理 a deputy assistant manager; 理事 [li3shi4]↓. (4) To review, go over (lessons): 理書 review the lessons; 理一理功課 review the school work. (5) Realize, appreciate, understand: 理會,理解 [li3hui4], [li3jie3]↓.
| Adj. | Orderly, well-regulated: 則天下理焉 (AC) then the country will be well-governed.
| Words | 1. 理兒 [lie3er0], n., reason: 說不出理兒來 cannot explain the reason why. 2. 理髮 [li2fa3], (1) v.i., to cut hair; (2) n., haircut: 理髮師,理髮匠 a barber, hairdresser; n., 理髮店 a barbershop; beauty salon. 3. 理工 [li3gong1], n., (departments, schools of) science and engineering. 4. 理化 [li3hua4], (1) n., physics and chemistry; (2) v.i., (LL) to govern and educate the people. 5. 理會 [li3hui4], v.t., (1) realize, appreciate, be clear about, understand (a situation, explanation); (2) pay attention to, receive (a visitor or friend): 不加理會 ignore (s.o. or s.t.);別理會他 don't pay any attention to him;他一點也不理會 he doesn't heed it at all; (3) take care of, deal with, arbitrate or mediate, take measures or steps to; (4) (AC) conform to. 6. 理家 [li3zha1], v.i., manage domestic affairs: 她很會理家 she is a very good housewife. 7. 理障 [li3zhang4], n., (Budd.) hindrances to truth. 8. 理解 [li2jie3], n. & v.t., apprehend, -sion, comprehend, -sion. 9. 理智 [li3zhi4]1, n. & adj., the rational (faculty) esp. as opp. 情感 emotions. 10. 理致 [li3zhi4]2, n., interesting point or development. 11. 理科 [li3ke1], n., the physical sciences. 12. 理亂 [li3luan4], (1) n. order or lack of it; [li3luan4], (2) v.i., bring order out of chaos. 13. 理路 [li3lu4], n., the logical sequence of things of events: 理路分明 clear line of reasoning. 14. 理論 [li3lun4], (1) n., theorizing, theories (opp. 實驗,實行 experimentation, practical application): 理論上 theoretically; n., 空談理論 empty speculation; 理論與事實相左 conflict between theory and practice; 理論化學 theoretical chemistry; 理論科學 theoretical sciences; (2) v.i., argue, debate, discuss: 我要和他理論 I'll have to straighten out the matter with him. 15. 理門(兒) [li3men2] ([li3merer0]), n., formerly, a sect against opium and drinking. 16. 理想 [li2xiang3], n. & adj., ideal: 理想與事實 ideal and reality; 理想主義 idealism; 理想家 an idealist; 理想化 to idealize; 理想上 in theory, ideally; 合乎理想 be ideal; 最理想的人物 most ideal choice for the job; 真太理想了 really perfect, ideal. 17. 理性 [li3xing4], n., (1) rational faculty; (2) reasonableness. 18. 理事 [li3shi4], (1) n., a director (of firm, organization); n., 理事會 board of directors; 理事長 chairman of the board (of directors); (2) v.t., to direct (business operations, etc.). 19. 理學 [li3xUe2], n., (1) the moral theories of the Suhng Neo-Confucian scholars; (2) 理學士 a bachelor of science. 20. 理睬 [li2cai3], v.t., take notice of, pay attention to, heed the presence of (s.o.). 21. 理財 [li3cai2], v.i., administer financial affairs: 理財家 a financier. 22. 理由 [li3you2], n., reasons, arguments for or against: 說不出理由 cannot give the reason; 發展的理由 reason for the development.