释义 |
獲獲 | 1306A25 91C.81-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 17 | ㄏㄡˋ [hou4] . [Dist.穫] | N. | (AC) 臧獲 male and female slaves.
| V.t. | (1) To obtain, receive: usu. 獲得 [huo4de2]↓; 獲利 obtain profits; 獲罪 be punished for offense, to offend, receive punishment; 捕獲,獵獲 to catch (game, turtle, etc.); 擒獲 to capture (enemy, thief). (2) Be able to: see 獲得 [huo4de2]↓; 不獲(=不得) (LL) cannot: 不獲遵命 be unable to comply with your wish, to proceed as instructed; 不獲見諒 fail to have your sympathetic understanding, was not able to explain, i.e., was blamed (for s.t.); 不獲善終 was not able to die a natural death.
| Words | 1. 獲得 [huo4de2], v.t., receive: 獲得消息(榮獎) received news (award); 獲得免罪 received pardon.