释义 |
獨獨 | 1303A05 91C.50-4 | 部居
| 畫數 16 | ㄉㄨˊ [du2] . [Pop. ] | N. | (AC) old person without children. (2) Solitude: 慎獨 a Confucian concept of being careful in thought when one is alone.
| Adj. & adv. | Single, -ly, alone, by oneself: 單獨一個人 by oneself, one person alone; 獨立,坐,處 stand, sit, live alone; 獨佔,獨有 monopolize, possess singly; 獨斷獨行 decide and act alone (without advice from others); 獨享權利 enjoy privilege alone; 獨享其成 alone reap the benefit; 獨持異議 alone hold a different opinion, differ in view from all others; 獨步一時 be unequalled in one's generation; 獨具隻眼 (fig.) can see what others cannot; 獨樹一幟 create a separate school (in art, etc.); 獨往獨來 completely independent, not slavish follower of fashions; 獨出心裁,獨創 be original, create new styles, fashions; 獨此一家 only authentic brand; 獨家經理 sole agent; 獨門,獨院 house not sharing entrance with others; 獨力扶持 support single-handed; 獨當一面 be boss of one section, head of one department; 獨木不成林 one tree does not make a forest; 獨善其身 maintain personal integrity during chaotic times.
| Prep. | (1) Emphasizing interrogative: 獨不知 don’t you know? 獨不聞 haven't you heard? 何獨 why particularly? (2) But, only: 豈獨 is it only; 不獨 not only.
| Words | 1. 獨白 [du2bai2], n. & v.i., monologue, soliloquy; soliloquize. 2. 獨唱 [du2chang4], n. & v.i., solo; 獨唱會 vocal recital. 3. 獨夫 [du2fu1], n., (AC) tyrant (concept that a king who has lost support is a “lone individual”). 4. 獨孤 [du2gu1], n., an anc. surname. 5. 獨軌車 [du2gui3che1], n., monorail. 6. 獨活 [du2huo2], n., (bot.) the angelica (also 羌活). 7. 獨角仙 [du2jiao3xian1], n., (zoo.) an insect, Xylotrupos dichotomus. 8. 獨腳戲 [du2jiao3xi4], n., a play acted by one person; (fig.) s.t. undertaken by one man alone, or without support. 9. 獨止 [du2zhi3], adv., only, only one. 10. 獨立 [du2li4], adj. & n., independent, (-ce): 獨立意見,精神 independent opinion, spirit; 獨立運動 movement for national independence; 獨立宣言 Declaration of Independence; 美國獨立宣言 (American) Declaration of Independence. 11. 獨輪車 [du2lun2che1], n., monocycle; (dial.) bicycle. 12. 獨木舟 [du2mu4zhou1], n., canoe. 13. 獨幕劇 [du2mu4jU4], n., one-act play. 14. 獨身 [du2shen1], adj., living single as bachelor; n., celibacy; 獨身者 celibate. 15. 獨生 [du2sheng1], n., as in 獨生子,女 only son, daughter. 16. 獨行 [du2xing2] ([du2xing4]), n. & v.i., walk alone: 特立獨行 personal independence of conduct. 17. 獨特 [du2te4], adj., special, distinguished: 獨特見解 individual insight. 18. 獨挑兒 [du2tiao3er0], v.i., (coll.) act on one's responsibility. 19. 獨裁 [du2tai2], v.i. & n., dictate, -tor, -torship. 20. 獨奏 [du2zou4], n. & v.i., solo. 21. 獨自 [du2zi4], adj. & adv., alone, singly: 獨自一個人 a person alone. 22. 獨子 [du2zi3], n., only son. 23. 獨眼龍 [du2yan3long2], n., one-eyed goldfish or person.