

ㄍㄡˇ [gou3
N.A dog: 獵 the hound, a hunting dog;
哈巴 a Pekingese, a Peking poodle;
a dog infected with rabies;
a mangy dog;
看門 a watchdog;
a person who does s.o.’s bidding, (lit, “a running dog”);
仗人勢 (contempt.) an underling gets haughty on the strength of an influential relative;
顛屁股兒 fawning, cringing;
苟蠅營 ingratiate oneself with s.o. to gain one's ends;
拿耗子 meddle in s.o. else's business;
咬呂洞賓 to mistake a good man for a bad one;
尾續貂 to write a deplorable sequel to a masterpiece (lit., “to patch up a sable coat with a dog's tail”);
雞鳴盜 (contempt.) the dregs of society, the lowest classes of people;
良心給吃了 be unscrupulous or without conscience;
喪家之 feeling lost like a stray dog;
他像瘋一樣亂咬人 he snarls at everyone like a mad dog;
踤了個吃屎 to stumble and fall on the ground face down.
V.t.To fawn or cringe: 這一般底下人專會著他 the people under him know only how to fawn on him.
Adj.(Contempt.) worthless, ignoble, despicable: 男女 sons of bitches;
東西 that son of a bitch;
好大的瞻 dare you do such a thing? 腿子 how running dog;
屎文章 trash, potboiler;
眼自人低 (of uneducated people) look down upon everybody else.
Words1. [gou3bao3], n., (help med.) a gallstone taken from the body of a mangy dog and used for medical purposes, a bezoar from dogs.
2. [gou3qi4], n., churlish manners of one who cringes before his superiors and is haughty towards his subordinates.
3. [gou3dou4], n., a hole in wall for a dog to go in and out.
4. 豆子 [gou3dou4zi0], n., dog ticks.
5. [gou3huan1], n., (zoo.) the badger.
6. [gou2ji3], n., (bot.) Woodwardia radicans var. japonica, the European chain fern.
7. [gou3jiu4], n., a vulture.
8. [gou3pi4], n., (abusive) complete nonsese (“dog fart”): 放屁 “talk rot,” say things worthless or nonsensical; 屁不通 (derog. of writing) dense trash.
9. [gou3shi1], n., (zoo.) dog ticks.
10. [gou3shi4], v., fawning or cringing behavior.
11. [gou3shi2], n., (1) (abusive) a despicable fellow; (2) dog's food.
12. [gou3shi3], n., (1) a dog's dung; (2) (abusive) anything as worthless or offensive.
13. [gou3tou2], n., (1) a dog's head; (2) a cur: 頭軍師 a good-for-nothing adviser.
14. [gou3cai2], n., (abusive) that “ass,” a worthless fellow.
15. 尾草 [gou3wei2cao3], n., (bot.) the green foxtail, bottle grass, Setaria viridis.
16. [gou3ying2], n., (zoo.) dogflies, Hippobosca capensis.





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