释义 |
牽牽 | 811C10 60.10 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄑㄧㄢ [qian1] | V.t. | (1) To lead by the hand, to pull: 牽牛,羊 to lead a cow, lamb; 順手牽羊 to take s.t. that doesn't belong to oneself; 手牽手 hand in hand; 牽手 lead by hand; 牽繩子 to pull a rope; 牽挽 pull by rope. (2) To involve, draw in, drag out: 牽連,牽涉,牽累 [qian1lian2], [qian1she4], [qian1lei3], etc.↓; 牽絲扳籐 dilly-dally, shilly-shally, drag out (affair, argument) interminably (like “drawing out treacle or spreading vine”). (3) (Coll.) to sew up (pieces, dress). (4) To remember, unable to forget: 牽腸掛肚 be deeply concerned, to cause deep personal concern; 牽掛,牽念 [qian1gua4], [qian1nian4]↓.
| Words | 1. 牽扯 [qian1che3], v.t., to drag in (others, details) into topic of conversation; to involve (person) in allegations at count. 2. 牽掣 [qian1che4], v.t., (1) to control, see [qian1zhi4]↓; (2) to lead through connections into other aspects: 互相牽掣 (the two problems) are tied up together. 3. 牽強 [qian1qiang2], adj., arbitrary: 牽強附會 farfetched, irrelevant, fasten on an unwarranted conclusion. 4. 牽動 [qian1dong4], v.t., involve, upset: 牽動大局 upset the gen. situation (as one move at chess). 5. 牽掛 [qian1gua4], v.t., to remember fondly, be concerned, worried, over (another's welfare). 6. 牽合 [qian1he2], v.t., force or manipulate (two separate units) into one; make unwarranted deductions. 7. 牽制 [qian1zhi4], v.i. & t., to tie up (actions, movements etc.), impede; to involve and affect, restrict the freedom of (another, or each other). 8. 牽累 [qian1lei3], v.i., involve (person) in s. t. unpleasant (debts; lawsuit). 9. 牽連 [qian1lian2], v.i., to link or be mutually linked together; n., 牽連犯 implicated offender. 10. 牽念 [qian1nian4], v.t., to remember fondly (person), be concerned about (child). 11. 牽牛花 [qian1niu2hua1], n., (bot.) the morning glory, Pharbitis. 12. 牽紗 [qian1sha1], phr., to hold bride's veil. 13. 牽涉 [qian1she4], v.t., to involve (a third party); implicate or be implicated in crime; to be linked up with. 14. 牽線 [qian1xian4], v.i., be a matchmaker. 15. 牽絲 [qian1si1], v.i., (1) (LL) to receive a government post (絲the girdle sashes); (2) a game of drawing lots by choice of tapes leading to unseen objects; 牽絲戲 puppet show. 16. 牽挺 [qian1ting3], n., formerly, the treadle in a loom, a pedal in weaving machine. 17. 牽引 [qian1yin3], v.t., to involve, to link up with.