释义 |
低低 | 1269B35 91A.71-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄉㄧ [di1] | V.i. & t. | To lower, bend, bow: 低首 bend one's head; nod as consent. 低首無言 bend one's head, silent; 低首下心 be servile, submissive.
| Adj. | Low, opp. 高 high: 高低不平 uneven; 低價 low price; 低一格 one notch (class) lower: 低聲 low voice, whisper; 低音 bass, low octave; 低潮 low tide; 低原 low plain; 低三下四的 low, menial person or job; 低賤 [di1jian4]↓; low in grade, inferior: 低貨 inferior goods; 低級趣味 (of writing, entertainment) catering to cheap, lower tastes.
| Words | 1. 低昂 [di1ang2], v.i. & adj., (of singing, prices) swing up and down, soar and dip. 2. 低沉 [di1chen2], adj., deep and low (voice). 3. 低回(徊) [di1hui2], v.i., loiter, linger, sunk in thought. 4. 低賤 [di1jian4], adj., cheap in price; low-class. 5. 低空 [di1kong1], n., low altitude (flying). 6. 低眉 [di1mei2], adj., looking downward in submission or (of Buddha) kindly. 7. 低迷 [di1mi2], adj., confused in thinking, dazed. 8. 低能 [di1neng2], adj., stupid, incompetent: 低能兒 n., stupid person, an imbecile. 9. 低聲 [di1sheng1], adj., soft-voiced, low-voiced. 10. 低下 [di1xia4], adj., low, lowly. 11. 低首 [di1shou3], v.i., bend one's head. 12. 低頭 [di1tou2], v.i., bend one's head (in thought, submission, in silence), also 低首 [di1shou3]↑. 13. 低窪 [di1wa1], adj., low, low and damp (of place). 14. 低微 [di1wei2], adj., lowly, humble (birth, character); weak and small (voice). 15. 低溫度 [di1wen1du4], n., low temperature. 16. 低啞 [di1ya3], adj., low and hoarse (voice), creaking noise of oars. 17. 低音部記號 [di1yin1bu4ji4hao4], n., (mus.) F clef. 18. 低音大提琴 [di1yin1da4ti2qin2], n., contrabass; double bass.