释义 |
熱熱 | 178C45 11.63 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄖㄜˋ [re4] | Adj. | (1) Hot (opp. 冷 cold): 冷熱 (無常) (lit.) (of weather) marked by sudden changes in temperature, (fig.) (blowing) hot and cold, 炎熱 sweltering; 悶熱 sultry; 躁熱 sizzling; 熱浪 a hot wave in summer; 熱天 (兒) hot weather; 大熱天 a very hot day; 熱兒 hot, summer heat; 好熱 terribly hot; 熱死 (了) unbearably hot, die of sunstroke; 熱昏了頭 (lit.) faint from overexposure to heat, (fig.) become muddle-headed through overexcitement; 熱呼呼的 very hot; 熱烘烘的 red-hot; 熱刺忽喇 (of the human skin) burning-hot; 熱騰騰 steaming hot (coffee, tea, rice); 滾熱 boiling-hot; 熱飯,熱湯,熱菜 rice, soup, meat (fish, vegetable) served hot; 熱湯兒麵 noodles in soup; 熱一熱 put in (over) cooker to heat; 加熱 to heat; 熱炕 a brick-bed that can be warmed by a fire from below in winter; 熱泉 hot springs; 熱霧 hot, steamy vapors; 受熱 heat stroke; 傳熱 to conduct heat; 發熱 give off heat, have (run) a fever. (2) Showing warmth of feeling: 熱心 [re4xin1]↓; 熱腸 enthusiastic, zealous, ardent, sincere; 熱心腸 (兒) ditto; 熱誠 [re4cheng2]↓; 熱忱 zeal, enthusiasm; 熱望 intense longing, desire; 熱愛 ardent love; 熱情 [re4qing2]↓; 熱烈 [re4lie4]↓; 熱狂 fanatic; 狂熱 fanaticism; 熱淚盈眶 eyes glistening with hot tears; 打得火熱 (of two persons) passionately attached to each other; 熾熱 passionate, sincere, enthusiastic, hearty; 熱熟 on very familiar terms; 親熱 on very intimate terms, closely attached to one another; 親爹熱娘 loving parents. (3) Restless: 熱中 [re4zhong1]↓; 熱刺刺 ([la4]) 的 anxious, restive, impatient.
| Adv. | Immediately: 趁熱 do s.t. right away: 趁熱打鐵 strike while the iron is hot; 又不趁熱趕將去 haven't gone there at once.
| Words | 1. 熱痺 [re4bi4], n., (bot.) heat rigor. 2. 熱病 [re4bing4], n., any disease causing a fever. 3. 熱誠 [re4cheng2], adj., =熱心 [re4xin1]↓. 4. 熱氣 [re4qi4], n., hot air, short-lived enthusiasm. 5. 熱情 [re4qing2], n., passionate feelings or love, fervor, ardor. 6. 熱帶 [re4dai4], n., (geog.) the torrid zone, the tropics; n., 熱帶魚 [re4dai4yU2], n., tropical fish. 7. 熱電 [re4dian4], n., (phy.) thermoelectricity. 8. 熱度 [re4du4], n., temperature: 五分鐘熱度 short-lived enthusiasm. 9. 熱毒 [re4du2], n., (Chin. med.) carbuncles. 10. 熱和 [re4huo0], adj., (1) giving off a moderate degree of heat; (2) friendly, genial; (3) affectionate. 11. 熱著 [re4zhao0], v.i., fall victim to heatstroke. 12. 熱中 [re4zhong1], (1) adj., restless, restive, impatient; (2) v.t., to hanker for (official preferment). 13. 熱客 [re4ke4], n., (1) a sycophant, a toady, a servile flatterer; (2) a frequent caller; (3) formerly, a man infatuated with a prostitute. 14. 熱量 [re4liang4], n., (phys.) quantity of heat measured in calories. 15. 熱烈 [re4lie4], adj., (of feelings) warm, passionate, fervent, ardent. 16. 熱力 [re4li4], n., thermodynamic energy; 熱力學 thermodynamics. 17. 熱門(兒) [re4men2] ([re4merer0]), n. & adj., (1) n., any commodity in great demand; n. & adj., (2) adj., popular: 熱門人物 persons who make front-page news; n. & adj., 熱門音樂 popular music, musical hit. 18. 熱鬧 [re4nao0], adj., (1) jolly (party, celebrations); (2) noisy, boisterous; 熱鬧兒 (a) a noisy fun in which many people take part; (b) stage shows and stunts: 他家辦生日,有甚麼熱鬧兒沒有 is there any interesting show at the birthday celebrations in his house? (c) merrymaking: 咱們大家湊個熱鬧兒吧 let's have some fun together! 19. 熱喪 [re4sang1], v.i., be newly bereaved of one's parent. 20. 熱線 [re4xian4], n., hot line (telephone line between White House and Kremlin). 21. 熱孝 [re4xiao4], adj., in mourning. 22. 熱心 [re4xin1], adj., enthusiastic, ardent, zealous, earnest. 23. 熱水瓶 [re4shui3ping2], n., hot water bottle, thermos flask. 24. 熱血 [re4xUe4], adj., (1) red-blooded, high-spirited; (2) warm-blooded, as mammals and birds (opp. 冷血 cold-blooded, as fishes and reptiles). 25. 熱學 [re4xUe2], n., (phys.) thermotics, the science of heat. 26. 熱罨法 [re4yan2fa3], n., (med.) hot compress (also 溫罨法).