释义 |
熬熬 | 30C30 10.63 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄠˊ [ao2] (*ㄠ [ao1] ). | V.i. & t. | (1) To stew (beef, vegetable), decoct (medicine), simmer (gruel) and make thick soup. (2) To suffer (as in Eng. “stew in one's own juice”): 熬不過苦刑 could endure no longer the tortures; 熬過這一夜 (of dying patient) pull through this night; 熬夜,熬眼皮子 to go without sleep the whole night; 熬枯受淡 drag through a monotonous life.
| Adj. | (*[ao1]) Worried, despondent: 今天他熬了 he is in a bad mood today; 熬心,熬惱 [ao2xin1], [ao2nao3]↓; 熬頭,熬喳兒[ao2tou0], [ao2cha2er0]↓.
| Words | 1. 熬熬 [ao2ao2], adj., (AC) discontented, clamorous (=嗷嗷). 2. 熬喳兒 *[ao1cha2er0], adj., depressed, indifferent to everything. 3. 熬煎 [ao2jian1], v.i. & t., to endure, drag through unhappy days: 怕家眷受熬煎 afraid that one's family will live through hard days. 4. 熬煉 [ao2lian4], v.t., to let (person, body) go through hard training. 5. 熬惱 *[ao1nao3], adj., irritated, vexed. 6. 熬審 [ao2shen3], v.t., to apply third degree. 7. 熬心 *[ao1xin1], adj., see [ao2nao3]↑. 8. 熬刑 [ao2xing2], v.t., to endure tortures by court, police. 9. 熬頭 *[ao1tou0], n., mental torment; 心裡這一分熬頭 this torment, anguish in my heart; 熬頭兒 reward for long hardships and patience; 將來有個熬頭兒 will be well rewarded (for present suffering). 10. 熬油(兒) [ao2you2]([er0]), v.i., to waste lamp oil by not sleeping at night.