释义 |
照照 | 645A45 41.63 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄓㄠˋ [zhao4] | N. | (1) Photograph (short for 照相 [zhao4xiang4]): 玉照 your portrait; 拍照 take a photograph; 寫照 a portrait or accurate portrayal in writing. (2) A certificate, permit: 護照 passport; 執照 license (for driver, trade); 無照行車 drive without license. (3) Illumination, glow: 夕照 glow of sunset; 迴光反照 temporary clearing up of mind before death, compared to sunset glow.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To shine, cast or reflect light: 照射 [zhao4she4]↓; 照亮 to illuminate by light; 探照燈 searchlight; 映照 to brighten atmosphere with luminaries; 照影子 cast a shade or reflection. (2) To look after: 照顧,照料,照管,照拂 [zhao4gu4], [zhao4liao4], [zhao4guan3], [zhao4fu2]↓; 關照 52B.00. (3) Look at reflection: 照鏡子 see oneself in mirror; 照鏡自憐 admire oneself in the mirror. (4) Used in communications: 台照 for your perusal; 知照 to inform, be informed; 查照 for your information (at end of official communication), and 知照 used esp. to inferior; 照得 [zhao4de2]↓.
| Prep. | According to: 照你說 according to what you say; 照理講 theoretically speaking; 照事實講 according to the facts; 照本分,照禮 according to duty, ceremony; 照規矩 according to custom; 照價收購 buy up (land) in accordance with published rates; 照方兒抓,照章辦理 proceed according to regulations; 按照,依照 according to (regulations, agreement, etc.); 遵照 to do as one is told; 照辦,照例,照樣 [zhao4ban4], [zhao4li4], [zhao4yang4]↓.
| Words | 1. 照辦 [zhao4ban4], v.i., do accordingly. 2. 照壁 [zhao4bi4], n., a short wall facing gate of mansion. 3. 照常 [zhao4chang2], adv., as usual: 照常辦公 office open as usual; 照常進行 proceed as usual. 4. 照牆 [zhao4qiang2], n., see [zhao4bi4]↑. 5. 照得 [zhao4de2], phr., opening formula in official communication to subordinate: in regard to your letter saying that…. 6. 照拂 [zhao4fu2], v.t., see [zhao4liao4]↓. 7. 照管 [zhao4guan0], v.t., look after (house, property, children, etc.). 8. 照顧 [zhao4gu4], v.t., (1) look after another's welfare; attend to (patient, child, etc.); (2) ([zhao4gu0]), attend to customers. 9. 照會 [zhao4hui4], n., official communication, an aide-memoire, a diplomatic note; more modn. see 通 牒 31.83. 10. 照舊 [zhao4jiu4], adj., unchanged, as usual: 照舊有效 be valid as usual. 11. 照准 [zhao4zhun3], v.t., (official communication to subordinate) request granted. 12. 照看 [zhao4kan4], v.t., see [zhao4gu4]↑. 13. 照料 [zhao4liao4], v.i. & t., to look after another's welfare, comforts. 14. 照例 [zhao4li4], adv., according to the rules: 照例免費 fees exempted according to regulations. 15. 照面(兒) [zhao4mian4] ([zhao4miaher0]), v.i., (meet) face to face; (see person) personally. 16. 照明 [zhao4ming2], v.i. & t., to illuminate; n., lighting (stage); 照明彈 (mil.) a flare. 17. 照片 [zhao4pian4], n., a photograph. 18. 照射 [zhao4she4], v.t., to project light upon; to illumine. 19. 照相 [zhao4xiang4], v.i. & n., to photograph, a photograph; 照相機 camera. 20. 照樣(兒) [zhao4yang4]([er0]), adv., (1) accordingly; in the same manner (as previous one): 照樣剪裁 cut according to pattern; (2) in a routine manner, as others do. 21. 照妖鏡 [zhao4yao1jing4], n., (myth.) a mirror which reveals disguise of monster or demon. 22. 照耀 [zhao4yao4], v.t., to illuminate, shine in glory. 23. 照應 [zhao4ying0], v.i. & t., (1) to look after, see [zhao4liao4]↑; (2) to fit with (prophecy, original).