释义 |
無無 | 1342C25 92.63 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄨˊ [wu2] | N. | Nothing: 有生於無 being comes from not-being; 有無相助 those that have and those that have not help each other; 以有易無 exchange what one has for what one has not.
| Adj. & adv. | (1) No, not a, used oft. like Eng. “without” “-less”: 無人 no man; 無錢 no money; 無底 bottomless; 無比 matchless; 無主 ownerless; 無法 helpless; 無線電 wireless; 無人飛機 unmanned aircraft; 無米之炊 cook a meal without rice; 無機 inorganic; 無病而死 died without any illness; 無病呻吟 to pine without cause, making a fuss about nothing; 無定性 capricious; 無可諱言 undeniable; oft. repeated 無…無:無頭無腦 completely without clue; 無頭無尾 without head or tail, without beginning or end; 無上無下 regardless of above or below; 無緣無故 without any reason; 無拘無束 without any restraint; oft. 無不 all, without exception, or 無…不:無微不至 without any detail not taken care of; 無孔不入 no opportunity overlooked, penetrates everywhere; see esp. 無奈,無不,無非 [wu2nai4], [wu2bu4], [wu2fei1]↓; 無論 [wu2lun4]; 無妨 [wu2fang2]↓; 無趣 out of humor, uninteresting, dejected; 無惡不作 stop at nothing; 無懈可擊 invulnerable, perfect; 無用 useless. (2) Regardless: 無少長皆斬之 behead them all, regardless of age; 無冬無夏 regardless of winter or summer; 無時無刻 every hour and moment; 無不 all, without exception.
| Words | 1. 無礙 [wu2ai4], adj. & adv., no harm (doing s.t.), does not prevent one from (doing), see [wu2fang2]↓. 2. 無被花 [wu2bei4hua1], n., (bot.) flower without blossom or calyx. 3. 無邊 [wu2bian1], adj. & adv., limitless. 4. 無裨 [wu2bi4], phr., see [wu2bu3]↓. 5. 無比 [wu2bi3], adj., matchless. 6. 無不 [wu2bu4], phr., all, no one but: 無不贊成 no one but approves. 7. 無補 [wu2bu3], phr., of no help to (s.t.). 8. 無產階級 [wu2chan3jie1ji2], n., the proletariat. 9. 無常 [wu2chang2], adj., impermanent: 性命無常 life is inconstant, evanescent. 10. 無腸公子 [wu2chang2gong1zi3], n., (litr.) the crab- “bowelless gentleman.” 11. 無前 [wu2qian2], adj., unprecedented. 12. 無期徒刑 [wu2qi2tu2xing2], phr., life labor (sentence). 13. 無情 [wu2qing2], adj., heartless. 14. 無出 [wu2chu1], (1) adj., without pregnancy or heir; (2) phr., 無出其右 unexcelled. 15. 無窮 [wu2qiong2], adj., endless, limitless. 16. 無恥 [wu2chi3], adj., shameless: 無恥之徒 shameless scoundrels. 17. 無定形 [wu2ding4xing2], n., amorphous. 18. 無底洞 [wu2di3dong4], n., a bottomless pit. 19. 無抵抗 [wu2di3kang4], n., nonresistance; 無抵抗主義 principle of non-resistance. 20. 無敵 [wu2di2], adj., matchless. 21. 無端 [wu2duan1], adv., for no reason, see [wu2gu4]↓. 22. 無度 [wu2du4], adv., excessively (drink, etc.). 23. 無二鬼 [wu2er4gui3], n., a mischievous rascal. 24. 無妨 [wu2fang2], phr., it’s no harm (to do), it's quite all right, no objection (to do): 這也無妨 this also will do. 25. 無非 [wu2fei1], phr., it's only, nothing but: 無非造事生非 (s.o.) does nothing but create troubles. 26. 無風帶 [wu2feng1dai4], n., (geog.) calm zone. 27. 無干 [wu2gan1], phr., “no relevance”: 與你無干 has nothing to do with you. 28. 無告 [wu2gao4], adj., friendless, having nowhere to turn for help or redress. 29. 無根水 [wu2gen1shui3], n., (Chin. med.) rain water or well water that is free of sediments. 30. 無鉤絛蟲 [wu2gou1tao1chong2], n., a kind of tape worm, Taenia mediocanellata. 31. 無垢 [wu2gou4], n., without stains on character. 32. 無辜 [wu2gu1], adj. & n., innocent, guiltless; innocent people. 33. 無怪 [wu2guai4], phr., it's not surprising that; no wonder. 34. 無關 [wu2guan1], phr., “no relations,” irrelevant: 與你無關 has nothing to do with you; 無關緊要 unimportant; 無關宏旨 irrelevant. 35. 無軌 [wu2gui3], adj., trackless (streetcar). 36. 無故 [wu2gu4], adv., for no reason. 37. 無骨 [wu2gu3], adj., spineless, wishly-washy. 38. 無害 [wu2hai4], adj., harmless. 39. 無恆 [wu2heng2], adj., inconstant. 40. 無後 [wu2hou4], phr., to have no sons-permission for taking concubine. 41. 無花果 [wu2hua1guo3], n., the fig. 42. 無患子 [wu2huan4zi0], n., (bot.) bodhi seeds, Sapindus Mukurosi, whose seeds are used for rosary, beads. 43. 無遮 [wu2zhe0], adj., (Budd.) as in 無遮大會 meeting open to all. 44. 無政府主義 [wu2zheng4fu2zhu3yi4], n., anarchism. 45. 無稽 [wu2ji1]1, adj., baseless: 無稽之談 baseless gossip. 46. 無機 [wu2ji1]2, adj., inorganic: 無機酸 n., (chem.) inorganic acid; adj., 無機化學 n., inorganic chemistry; adj., 無機物 inorganic matter. 47. 無價寶 [wu2jia4bao3], n., priceless curio. 48. 無間 [wu2jian4], adv., without interruption, directly after. 49. 無際 [wu2ji4], n., limitless: 一望無際 (view) stretches to the horizon. 50. 無幾 [wu2ji3] ([wu2ji1]), (1) adj., only a few (left, etc.); (2) adv., soon after. 51. 無狀 [wu2zhuang4], phr., (selfdeprecation) have been delinquent, undutiful, etc. 52. 無著 [wu2zhuo2], phr., (1) no visible progress; (2) no way to find (money). 53. 無主物 [wu2zhu3wu4], n., lost property without claimant. 54. 無知 [wu2zhi1], adj., (1) ignorant, not educated or informed; (2) (contempt.) stupid (animal, etc.). 55. 無賴 [wu2lai4], n., a ne'er-do-well, loafer, rascal (also 無賴子). 56. 無兩 [wu2liang3], phr., without equal, the one and only. 57. 無量 [wu2liang4], n., without limit; 無量壽佛 Amitabha, the Eternal Buddha; 無量光佛 Buddha of Infinite Light. 58. 無良 [wu2liang2], adj., (AC) immoral. 59. 無聊 [wu2liao2], adj., bored, dull, boring; adj., 無聊賴 phr., listless, without any occupation or distraction. 60. 無理數 [wu2li3shu4], n., (math.) irrational number, a surd; 無理式 (math.) irrational expression. 61. 無論 [wu2lun4], (1) adj., regardless (of who wins, etc.): 無論如何 no matter what; (2) phr., not to speak of: 秦漢,無論魏晉 never heard of Chirn and Hahn Dyns. let alone the Weih and Jihn (later) Dyns. 62. 無慮 [wu2lU3], phr., (1) doubtless, it may well be: 無慮三千人 could be as many as three thousand people; (2) without worry. 63. 無名 [wu2ming2], adj., anonymous: 無名腫毒 all kinds of unrecognized skin affections; 無名指 the fourth finger, the ring finger; 無名氏 anonymous; 無名異 (Chin. med.) ferrous oxide ores; 無名英雄 unknown hero; 無名小卒 a nobody. 64. 無名骨 [wu2ming2gu3], n., (physiol.) innominate bones. 65. 無明火 [wu2ming2huo3], n., flame of anger. 66. 無奈 [wu2nai4], (1) adj., helpless, feeling frustrated (oft. 無奈何 cannot do anything about it, see 奈 之何 12.01); (2) adv., unfortunately: 無奈他不聽話 unfortunately he would not listen. 67. 無能 [wu2neng2], (1) adj., (person) incapable, incompetent; (2) phr., cannot: 無能為力 cannot do anything to help. 68. 無寧 [wu2ning2], adv., rather (=寧可), it would be better to (throw it away, etc.). 69. 無那 [wu2nuo4], adj. & phr., (MC) see [wu2nai4]↑. 70. 無任 [wu2ren4], adv., (LL) very, most: 無任感激 feel most grateful. 71. 無如 [wu2ru2], adv., unfortunately: 無如天色已晚 unfortunately it is already getting late (cf. [wu2nai4] (2)↑). 72. 無日 [wu2ri4], adv., (1) not a day: 無日忘之 never forget it for one day; (2) very soon: 亡無日矣 the days are numbered. 73. 無上 [wu2shang4], adj., highest (honor, happiness, etc.). 74. 無傷 [wu2shang1], (1) phr., it does not hurt: 無傷大體 it does not hurt the important essentials; phr., 無傷大雅 (speech, conduct) permissible in polite society; (2) see [wu2fang2]↑. 75. 無 [wu2sha2], (1) adj., (Shanghai, also wr. 嘸啥, pr. [msa1]; adj., the indicated national pronunciation is never heard) fair, decent, not bad; (2) adv., nothing much: 無啥事體 nothing much to do. 76. 無涉 [wu2she4], adj., irrelevant to, unrelated to: 與他人無涉 (matter) does not concern others (see [wu2gan1]↑). 77. 無生代 [wu2sheng1dai4], n., (geol.) azoic era. 78. 無神論 [wu2shen2lun4], n., atheism; 無神論者 atheist. 79. 無限 [wu2xian4], adj. & adv., infinite, -ly, utmost (grateful, glory, etc.), see [wu2ren4]↑: 無限級數 (math.) infinite series; 無限小數 (math.) infinite decimal; 無限公司 not a limited stock company; 無限責任 unlimited liability. 80. 無線電 [wu2xian4dian4], n., wireless, radio. 81. 無瑕 [wu2xia2], adj., spotless. 82. 無效 [wu2xiao4], adj., invalid. 83. 無行 [wu2xing4], adj., (person) immoral, without character. 84. 無性生殖 [wu2xing4sheng1zhi2], n., (biol.) asexual reproduction. 85. 無心 [wu2xin1], (1) adv., not intentional, without any intention, see [wu2yi4]1↓; (2) phr., have no mind to: 無心管事 have no mind to attend to business. 86. 無形 [wu2xing2], adj., invisible; adj., 無形中 adv., invisibly; adj., 無形資產 immaterial assets. 87. 無殊 [wu2shu1], adj., just like, not different from. 88. 無雙 [wu2shuang1], adj., matchless, peerless, one and only. 89. 無水酸 [wu2shui3suan1], n., (chem.) acid anhydrides. 90. 無數 [wu2shu4], adj., numberless, innumerable; 無數字 (econ.) nil. 91. 無視 [wu2shi4], v.i., take no cognizance. 92. 無事忙 [wu2shi4mang2], adj., bustle about without accomplishing anything. 93. 無須 [wu2xU1], vb. aux., need not. 94. 無算 [wu2suan4], adj., numberless, countless, also [wu2shu4]↑. 95. 無所 [wu2suo3], pron., everything, whatever: 無所不能,無所不知,無所不在 omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent; 無所不曉 understands every subject; 無所不曉 understands every subject; 無所不會 can do everything; 無所不至 do everything to help; 無所為 (person) do not regard as important, (thing) can be left out; 無所謂 it's not what is called, cannot be said to be (good, bad). 96. 無似 [wu2si4], (1) adj., (court.) unworthy; (2) adv., extremely (used after vb.): 欽佩無似 admire intensely. 97. 無頭案 [wu2tou2an4], n., a mystery case without clues. 98. 無猜 [wu2cai1], adj., innocent: 兩小無猜 two innocent children. 99. 無措 [wu2cuo4], adj. see [wu2zhuo2]↑. 100. 無存 [wu2cun2], adj., all used up, depleted. 101. 無從 [wu2cong2], adj., unable: 無從知道 unable to find out; 無從說起 don't know where to begin telling a story. 102. 無疵 [wu2ci1], adj., spotless. 103. 無他 [wu2tuo1], phr., (1) be not disloyal (=無他心): 有死無他 die loyally; (2) no other reason or nothing bad or unpleasant. 104. 無罪 [wu2zui4], adj., innocent, not guilty. 105. 無足類 [wu2zu2lei4], n., (zoo.) apoda. 106. 無望 [wu2wang4], (1) adj., hopeless (case); (2) phr., do not hope. 107. 無味 [wu2wei4]1, adj., tastless, flat. 108. 無畏 [wu2wei4]2, adj., fearless. 109. 無謂 [wu2wei4]3, adj., meaningless. 110. 無為 [wu2wei2], phr. & n., (Taoist) laissezfaire, doctrine of noninterference in government of leaving the people alone. 111. 無恙 [wu2yang4], adj., well, not sick. 112. 無煙火藥 [wu2yan1huo3yao4], n., smokeless gunpowder. 113. 無煙煤 [wu2yan1mei2], n., anthracite coal. 114. 無涯 [wu2ya2], adj., infinite, limitless. 115. 無意 [wu2yi4]1, (1) adj., unintentional; adj., be not interested: 無意進行 is not interested in proceeding further; (2) adv., as in 無意中 unintentionally; adv., 無意識 stupid (act), unconscious (act). 116. 無異 [wu2yi4]2, phr., just like, same as: 無異自殺 same as committing suicide; 無異投降 same as surrender; 無異議 no objection (to motion); no dissent. 117. 無已 [wu2yi3], (1) adv., ceaselessly; (2) phr., (LL) if there is no alternative, one is forced to. 118. 無因 [wu2yin1], phr., without any reason. 119. 無疑 [wu2yi2], adv., doubtless, -ly, certainly: 無疑是他 doubtless it is he. 120. 無有 [wu2you3], v.t., do not have. 121. 無由 [wu2you2], phr., without any cause. 122. 無緣 [wu2yUan2], (1) phr., have not had the pleasure or luck (to do); (2) phr., 兩人無緣 the two cannot get along. 123. 無庸 [wu2yong1], vb. aux., (LL and documentary) need not.