释义 |
炳炳 | 1312B55 91D.41-9 | 部居
| 畫數 9 | ㄅㄧㄥˇ [bing3] | V.t. | Var. for 秉 in 炳燭:炳燭夜遊 to celebrate night with candles in hand-enjoying the short span of life (also wr. 秉燭).
| Adj. | Shining (achievement): 彪炳事業 brilliant, glorious achievement.
| Words | 1. 炳然 [bing3ran2], adj., shining, manifest, clear for everybody to see. 2. 炳耀 [bing3yao4], adj., shining, glorious, brilliant; v.i. to shine (of reputation).