释义 |
火火 | 1224B15 91.81 | 部居
 | 畫數 4 | ㄏㄨㄛˇ [huo3] | N. | (1) Fire: 生火 light the fire; 點火 light lamp; 放火 set fire, arson; 失火 catch fire accidentally; 救火 to fight a fire; 著火 ([zhao2huo3]) catch fire; 舉火 light fire for cooking meals; 武火,文火 quick or slow fire in cooking; 火上加油 add fuel to the fire, (fig.) of trouble; 火燒眉毛 fire catches eyebrows--extremely urgent; 火燒了 burned by fire; 火燒心 over-anxious, impatient (“heart is burning”); 火燒,火燎 in flames, on fire, of scorching temperature; 火樹銀花 bonfires display or brilliantly lighted garden. (2) Anger, rage, fury, surge of emotions: 火氣 [huo3qi4]1↓; 肝火 gall, anger; 動起肝火 arouse one's gall; 怒火沖天 a surge of great fury; 上火,發火,著火, flame up in anger; 他一聽了就上火 he flamed up as soon as he heard it; 無名火 a state of uncontrollable rage; 慾火 the fire of passion. (3) (Chin. med., of food) stimulant to the spleen, the gall, the heart (上火,肝火,心火). (4) (Mil.) firepower: 火力 [huo3li4]↓; 軍火 ammunition; 戰火 battle fire; 砲火 artillery fire; 烽火 signal fires, signs of war coming. (5) A surname.
| V.i. & t. | To get angry: 他火了,火兒了 he became angry; 火上加油 add oil to fire, inflame one's anger.
| Adj. | Fiery: 火性 [huo3xing4]↓; 火竦竦 irritable, irascible.
| Words | 1. 火把 [huo2ba3], n., torch. 2. 火伴(兒) [huo3ban4] ([huo3ba4er0]), n., orig., comrade in arms, now (pop.) colleagues, companions in same establishment. 3. 火棒 [huo3bang4], n., an acrobatic show with lighted torches. 4. 火拔子 [huo3ba2zi0], n., short funnel put over stove to make fire burn faster (also called 拔火罐兒). 5. 火併 [huo3bing4], v.i. & n., open fight between two parties. 6. 火玻璃 [huo3bo1li0], n., fireproof glass. 7. 火柴 [huo3chai2], n., matches. 8. 火車 [huo3che1], n., a train: 火車站 railway station; 火車頭 locomotive. 9. 火成岩 [huo3cheng2yan2], n., igneous rocks. 10. 火漆 [huo3qi1], n., sealing wax. 11. 火籤 [huo3qian1], n., formerly, warrant for immediate presence at court. 12. 火鉗 [huo3qian2], n., fire tongs. 13. 火氣 [huo3qi4]1, (1) n., quick temper: 火氣太盛 very quick-tempered; (2) adj., (of art work) not mellow. 14. 火器 [huo3qi4]2, n., firearms. 15. 火齊 [huo3qi2], n., (1) (AC) see [huo3hou4]↓; (2) jewelry or jewel-like thing. 16. 火蟲(兒) [huo3chong2]([er0]), n., firefly, glowworm (coll. for 螢火). 17. 火癉 [huo3dan1], n., erysipelas (also called 丹毒). 18. 火斗 [huo2dou3], n., a charcoal-burning pressing iron. 19. 火房子 [huo3fang2zi0], n., low-class resort for beggars and idlers. 20. 火夫 [huo3fu1], n., formerly, cook in army, etc. 21. 火蓋 [huo3gai4], n., stove cover. 22. 火鍋 [huo3guo1], n., chafing dish. 23. 火耗 [huo3hao4], n., wastage of metal in minting coins. 24. 火候 [huo3hou4] ([huo3hou0]), n., timing in cooking to get proper degree of softness; (fig.) depth of scholarship or thought. 25. 火花 [huo3hua1], n., sparks. 26. 火化 [huo3hua4], v.i. & n., cremate, -tion. 27. 火狐 [huo3hu2], n., the red fox. 28. 火宅 [huo3zhai2], n., (Budd.) the world of troubles of the senses (“house on fire”); 火宅僧 a married Buddhist monk. 29. 火雞 [huo3ji1], n., a turkey. 30. 火剪 [huo2jian3], n., (1) fire tongs; (2) curling tongs, curling irons. 31. 火箭 [huo3jian4], n., a rocket, rocket missile: 減速火箭 retrorocket; 掣動火箭 (astron.) braking rocket; 火箭炮 (mil.) [huo3jian4pao4], bazooka. 32. 火教 [huo3jiao4], n., Zoroastrianism, worship of fire. 33. 火計 [huo3ji4], n., an employee of a shop (usu. wr. 伙計,夥計). 34. 火警 [huo2jing3], n., fire alarm. 35. 火酒 [huo2jiu3], n., alcohol. 36. 火磚 [huo3zhuan1], n., firebrick. 37. 火燭(兒) [huo3zhu2]([er0]), n., candles and lamps in gen. as possible cause of fire (in Peking dial. also [huo3zhu1er0]). 38. 火種 [huo2zhong3], n., kindling, material for lighting fire. 39. 火居道士 [huo3jU1dao4shi4], n., a married Taoist priest, cf. [huo3zhai2]↑. 40. 火紙 [huo2zhi3], n., a paper roll for lighting water pipe for tobacco. 41. 火炕 [huo3kang4], n., heated [kang1] in North China, see 炕 91D.70. 42. 火坑 [huo3keng1], n., “fire-pit”--a place of misery, esp., the life of a prostitute: 落了火坑,跳出火坑 fall into, get out of, prostitute's life. 43. 火口 [huo2kou3], n., crater. 44. 火筷子 [huo3kuai4zi0], n., fire-tongs. 45. 火兒 [huo3er0], n., see [huo3qi4]1↑. 46. 火亮(兒) [huo3liang4]([er0]), adj., bright, illuminated. 47. 火鐮 [huo3lian2], n., formerly a flint cutter for gotting sparks. 48. 火力 [huo3li4], n., (mil.) firepower. 49. 火籠 [huo3long0], adj., suffocated from heat: 花火籠了 flowers wilt from heat. 50. 火爐 [huo3lu2], n., a stove; fireplace. 51. 火輪 [huo3lun2], n., (1) (LL) the sun; (2) a steamboat (also 火輪船). 52. 火冒 [huo3mao4], adj., become enraged. 53. 火綿 [huo3mian2], n., guncotton. 54. 火苗 [huo3miao2], n., a flame (licking houses). 55. 火泥 [huo3ni2], n., fire clay. 56. 火牌 [huo3pai2], n., formerly, a military order to render service to imperial courier along the way. 57. 火熱 [huo3re4], adj., very hot: 他倆兒打得火熱 they two are enamored. 58. 火絨 [huo3rong2], n., tinder. 59. 火傘 [huo2san3], n., summer sunshine: 火傘高張 the sun is shining fiercely. 60. 火色 [huo3se4], n., strength and condition of fire in stove; a person's ruddy complexion. 61. 火山 [huo3shan1], n., volcano. 62. 火燒 [huo3shao1], n., a fire disaster; 火燒雲 resplendent sunset. 63. 火舌 [huo3she2], n., tongue of fire. 64. 火繩 [huo3sheng2], n., fuse. 65. 火險 [huo2xian3], n., fire insurance. 66. 火線 [huo3xian4], n., direct line of fire in battle. 67. 火匣子 [huo3xia2zi0], n., (sl.) a cheap coffin. 68. 火硝 [huo3xiao1], n., saltpeter. 69. 火性 [huo3xing4], n., (1) strength of fire; (2) fiery temper. 70. 火星 [huo3xing1], n., (1) the planet Mars; (2) sparks. 71. 火石 [huo3shi2]1, n., flint. 72. 火食 [huo3shi2]2, n., (1) daily meals, board: 火食不足 insufficient food at meals; 火食費 boarding fee; (2) (AC) eating cooked food instead of raw. 73. 火速 [huo3su4], adv., urgent: 火速送到 deliver immediately. 74. 火田 [huo3tian2], v.i., (AC) to hunt by burning wooded area. 75. 火頭 [huo3tou2], n., (1) formerly, the principal cook; (2) (AC) common footmen; (3) person responsible for causing a conflagration. 76. 火彩兒 [huo2ca3er0], n., (Chin. theater) a device to represent appearance of a ghost by burning resin. 77. 火腿 [huo2tui3], n., ham. 78. 火筒子 [huo2tong3zi0], n., a metal funnel or small chimney. 79. 火葬 [huo3zang4], n., cremation. 80. 火災 [huo3zai1], n., fire accident, a conflagration. 81. 火浣布 [huo2wan3bu4], n., asbestos cloth. 82. 火網 [huo2wang3], n., (mil.) a crossfire; a barrage. 83. 火眼 [huo2yan3], n., an eye inflammation. 84. 火燄 [huo3yan4], n., flames. 85. 火藥 [huo3yao4], n., gunpowder; 火藥庫 ammunition depot. 86. 火曜日 [huo3yao4ri4], n., (LL) Tuesday. 87. 火引子 [huo2yin3zi0], n., material for starting fire. 88. 火油 [huo3you2], n., kerosene. 89. 火魚 [huo3yU2], n., (zoo.) a fish, Lepidotrigla strauchi.