释义 |
激激 | 1021A30 63A.82-9 | 部居
| 畫數 16 | ㄐㄧ [ji1] | V.t. | (1) Incite, stir up, move emotionally: 激動 [ji1dong4]↓; 刺激 stimulate, excite; 感激 be grateful to; 激昂 [ji1ang2], 激發 [ji1fa1]↓; 激於義憤 be moved to action by righteous indignation; 激勵 [ji1li4]2, 激勸 [ji1qUan4], 激將 [ji1jiang4]↓. (2) (Of currents) to dam up and divert: 為石隄激使東注 build a stone embankment to divert the currents eastward; 激濁揚清 cast out the wicked and cherish the virtuous (“eliminate the impure from the pure”). (3) Dunk: 冷水一激 soak(ed) in cold water; 驟雨一激 wetted by a sudden downpour.
| Adj. & adv. | (1) Rapid(ly), quick(ly), swift (ly): 激變 [ji1bian4]↓; 急激 hurriedly; 激浪,激流 turbulent waves, currents. (2) Excessive(ly), extreme(ly): 激切 [ji1qie4]↓; 過激 immoderate(ly), extreme (opinion); 激論 extremist views; 激烈 [ji1](')[lie4]↓.
| Words | 1. 激昂 [ji1ang2], adj. & v.i., (be) emotionally wrought up: 慷慨激昂 righteously indignant, aroused to action. 2. 激變 [ji1bian4], v.i., (1) to burst out all of a sudden; (2) n., a violent change, mutiny. 3. 激切 [ji1qie4], adj., outspoken in expressing one's views: 言多激切 speak out without fear or favor. 4. 激勸 [ji1qUan4], v.t., persuade, exhort, encourage, prevail upon. 5. 激動 [ji1dong4], v.t., to excite (populace); v.t., p.p., get excited, be inflamed. 6. 激發 [ji1fa1], v.t., arouse, incite, stir up. 7. 激將 [ji1jiang4], v.t., to goad into action, incite to greater efforts, by moving words. 8. 激烈 [ji1](')[lie4], adj., (1) vigorous, strenuous: 激烈運動 energetic physical exertions; (2) intemperate, unrestrained: 態度激烈 violent attitude; 言論激烈 extremist views. 9. 激厲 [ji1li4]1, v.i. & t., (1) v.t., encourage, stimulate (also 激勵↓); v.i. & t., (2) see [ji1qie4]↑. 10. 激勵 [ji1li4]2, v.t., encourage, boost: 激勵士氣 give a boost to the morale (of the army or people). 11. 激怒 [ji1nu4], v.t., to anger, inflame, enrage. 12. 激賞 [ji1shang3], v.t., be moved to admiration, to appreciation greatly. 13. 激刺 [ji1ci4], v.t., inflame, stimulate, goad. 14. 激筒 [ji1tong3], n., a hose pipe. 15. 激揚 [ji1yang2], (1) v.t., to inspire; v.t., p.p., be inspired; (2) adj., inspiring. 16. 激越 [ji1yUe4], adj., (of music) swelling with clear and shrill tones.