释义 |
澀澀 | 980C10 63A.30-5 | 部居
| 畫數 17 | ㄙㄜˋ [se4] | Adj. | (1) Harsh, acrid, astringent in taste (like unripe fruit). (2) Rough, not smooth, not even (wooden surface); difficult, hard to read, abstruse (reading, style). (3) Slow of speech: 澀訥 [se4ne4]↓.
| Words | 1. 澀滯 [se4zhi4], adj., rough-going, not flowing easily (of writing). 2. 澀吶 [she1na4], adj., see [se4ne4]↓. 3. 澀奈 [se4nai4], adj., (MC) uneasy. 4. 澀訥 [se4ne4], adj., slow of speech. 5. 澀縮 [se4suo1], adj., (MC) dillydallying, undecided, vacillating.