

ㄔㄠˊ [chao2
N.(1)  Tide: [chao2shui3]↓;
,高 flood tide, (fig.) crest of luck, fortune peak of romance, success;
退 low tide, ebb;
(fig.) low point of fortune, romance;
(2)  Stream of events, current of thought: [chao2liu2]↓;
crisis in school, strike in factory;
current of thought;
new current of ideas;
,怒 storm or flood of protests, violent radicalism;
心血來 a sudden inspiration.
Adj.(1)  Moist, damp: 氣,[chao2qi4], [chao2shi1]↓.
(2)  (Coll.) inferior: 銀子成色 low content of silver;
手藝 inferior skill.
Words1. [chao2bai2], n., a kind of sugar, produced in 州 Swatow.
2. [chao2qi4], n., dampness.
3. [chao2jie3], v.i. & n., (chem.) deliquesce, -cence, liquify.
4. [chou2zhou1], n., Swatow.
5. [chao2liu2], n., (1) current (in sea, river); (2) trend or current of thought.
6. [chao2nao3], n., camphor of 州 (Swatow).
7. [chao2re4], n., (Chin. med.) intermittent fever (like “tides”).
8. [chao2xi4], n., morning and evening tides.
9. [chao2xin4], n., hours of flood tide.
10. [chao2shui3], n., side, flood water.
11. [chao2shi1], adj., damp.
12. [chao2yin1], n., (Budd.) swelling sound, litany.





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