释义 |
漫漫 | 1020A10 63A.82-4 | 部居
| 畫數 14 | ㄇㄢˋ [man4] | V.i & t. | (1) To flood, spread over (an area): 水漫金山寺 flood water reaches Jinshan Temple; 水漫過膝 flood water reaches the knees; 瀰漫 spread all over (of snow, atmosphere, etc.); 漫山遍野 (of flowers, etc.) all over the hills and valley. (2) Do not say, let alone: 漫說是他 (=休說) let alone it is he, even others will do the same.
| Adj. & adv. | Unconcerned(ly), (at) random, casual(ly): 漫遊 travel extensively, or without fixed schedule, destination; 漫談,漫語 random, casual talks; 姑漫應之 (LL) just promise him casually (to save trouble); 漫不經心 phr., totally unconcerned or inattentive; 漫無止境 on and on, without limitation; 漫無限制 totally without restrictions.
| Words | 1. 漫筆 [man4bi3], n., casual literary notes (=隨筆), also casual-style sketches. 2. 漫畫 [man4hua4], n., cartoon, caricature. 3. 漫漶 [man4huan4], adj., flooded, illegible (of bad print); widespread (of diease): 漫漶不可收拾 situation is so far gone beyond control. 4. 漫錄 [man4lu4], n., casual notes. 5. 漫漫 [man4man4], adj., descriptive of long stretch of (clouds, night); 漫漫長夜 all the long, dark night, also (fig.) long, dark period without hope or enlightenment; 漫漫地 adv., (pr. [man4man1de1]) slowly. 6. 漫射 [man4she4], n. & v.i., (phys.) diffusion. 7. 漫談 [man4tan2], v.i. & n., casual conversation. 8. 漫天 [man4tian1], adj. & adv., as in 濃霧漫天 the air is covered with a heavy mist; 漫天討價 (of shopkeeper) quote sky-rocket prices, prepared for haggling. 9. 漫衍 [man4yan3], v.i., grow and spread (=蔓衍 20A.82.).