释义 |
漏漏 | 996A55 63A.42-5 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄌㄡˋ [lou4] | N. | (1) An hourglass; a water clock or clepsydra: 漏刻 [lou4ke4], 漏鼓 [lou4gu3]↓; 銅漏 a copper water clock; 漏盡更殘 the small hours of the dawn; 痔漏 piles, anal hemorrhoids. (2) (Budd.) depravity, defilement: 無漏,有漏 free, not free, from defilement.
| V.i. & t. | (1) Leak (out), disclose, drip, evade: 洩漏 reveal secret, divulge; 透漏 make known; 走漏 unintentionally disclose; 漏風聲,漏消息 leak out information; 漏洩 [lou4xie4]↓; 漏露 [lou4lu4]↓; 說漏了 (嘴) unintentionally divulge s.t. secret; 漏底 [lou4di3]↓; 漏了老底 leaked out one's personal secrets; 漏雨 (of roof, etc.) leaking; 漏水 (of cup, bottle, etc.) leaking; 漏孔 [lou4kong3]↓; 壺漏了,雨衣漏水,鋼筆漏水,the kettle, raincoat, fountain pen, is leaking; 漏出來 leaked out; 漏氣 not air-tight; 漏網 (of fish) escape from net. (2) Leave out, be missing, conceal from: 遺漏 drop out, be missing; 失漏 be lost, missing; 漏列 left out of a list or account; 漏報 fail to report or declare; 漏稅 evade tax, esp. by smuggling; 漏繳 fail to pay; 漏下 be left out; 漏掉 [lou4diao4]↓; 脫漏 be missing or omitted; 漏了一行,漏去一字 a line, a word is missing; 漏唸一句 have skipped a sentence in reading; 紕漏 an error; 漏不了你 you'll never be left out; 甚麼事漏得了他? nothing can be concealed from him. (3) (Of bodily fluids) flow freely, exude, discharge, ooze (said of semen, tears, secretions or pus). (4) (In swordplay) to give (perhaps purposely) an opening as lure for attack.
| Words | 1. 漏瘡 [lou4chuang1], n., (1) (med.) fistula; (2) (med.) vaccinia, cowpox. 2. 漏掉 [lou4diao4], v.i., be missing or left out. 3. 漏底 [lou4di3], n., (1) A leak in bottom of a vessel for liquids; (2) disclosure of confidential information (底=底細). 4. 漏洞 [lou4dong4], n., (1) see [lou4di3](1)↑; (2) an inconsistency, a flaw in argument. 5. 漏斗 [lou4dou3], n., a funnel for liquids. 6. 漏兜 [lou4dou1], v.i., reveal true nature. 7. 漏縫 [lou4feng4], n., a crevice: 彌補漏縫 to mend a crack. 8. 漏風 [lou4feng1], v.t. & adj. & n., (1) not air-tight; (2) (fo secret) leak out; (3) (Chin. med.) apoplexy caused by alcoholism. 9. 漏管 [lou4guan3], n., (1) (med.) anal fistula; (2) (med.) an ulcer that does not heal easily. 10. 漏櫃 [lou4gui4], n., theft of goods in a store by its own employee(s). 11. 漏鼓 [lou4gu3], n., drum beat to announce the watches at night. 12. 漏壺 [lou4hu2], n., a water clock, an anc. device for measuring time. 13. 漏卮 [lou4zhi1], n., (1) a syphon; (2) an unfavorable balance of international payments. 14. 漏刻 [lou4ke4], n., (1) hourglass or water clock; (2) a short interval of time. 15. 漏孔 [lou4kong3], n., see [lou4dong4]↑. 16. 漏兒 [lou4er0], n., a flaw or weakness: 檢漏兒 pick fault with. 17. 漏露 [lou4lu4], v.t., reveal (a secret). 18. 漏杓 [lou4shao2], n., a strainer, a colander. 19. 漏現 [lou4xian4], v.i., be exposed to public view. 20. 漏洩 [lou4xie4], v.t., leak out (secret). 21. 漏師 [lou4shi1], v.t., (AC) disclose military secret. 22. 漏天(兒) [lou4tian1] ([lou4tia1er0]), n., a hole in the roof, through which light comes in (dist. in 露天 open air). 23. 漏財 [lou4cai2], (1) v.t., suffer financial loss; (2) adj., be in capable of becoming rich. 24. 漏子 [lou4zi0], n., (1) a funnel for liquids ([lou4dou3]↑); (2) a flaw or weakness. 25. 漏夜 [lou4ye4], n., the dead of night.