释义 |
漁漁 | 1003C00 63A.63-9 | 部居
| 畫數 14 | ㄩˊ [yU2] | N. | A surname.
| V.t. | To fish: 漁獵,漁翁 [yU2lie4], [yU2weng1]↓; (fig.) fish for profit: 漁利,漁奪 [yU2li4], [yU2duo2]↓; 漁人得利 the third party benefits when two parties fight each other (from allu. 鷸蚌相爭,漁人得利 fight between the crane and the mother-of-pearl).
| Words | 1. 漁唱 [yU2chang4], n., fisherman's song. 2. 漁奪 [yU2duo2], v.t., (officials) rob the people (as a fisherman catches fish). 3. 漁夫 [yU2fu1], n., fisherman. 4. 漁父 [yU2fu3], n., (AC) ditto. 5. 漁港 [yU2gang3], n., fishing bay or harbor. 6. 漁戶 [yU2hu4], n., a professional fisherman. 7. 漁火 [yU2huo3], n., lights from fishing boats. 8. 漁具 [yU2jU4], n., fishing tackle (rod, net, etc.). 9. 漁郎 [yU2lang2], n., (poet.) fisherman. 10. 漁獵 [yU2lie4], v.i., to fish and hunt. 11. 漁利 [yU2li4], v.i., to take illegitimate profit: 從中漁利 get personal profit from it. 12. 漁婆(兒) [yU2po2er0], n., fisherman's wife. 13. 漁人 [yU2ren2], n., fisherman. 14. 漁色 [yU2se4], v.i., to philander, go for women. 15. 漁汛 [yU2xUn4], n., fishing seasons. 16. 漁子 [yU2zi3], n., (LL) fisherman. 17. 漁翁 [yU2weng1], n., (LL, poet.) old fisherman. 18. 漁業 [yU2ye4], n., profession of fishing.