释义 |
滯滯 | 977C25 63A.22-2 | 部居
| 畫數 14 | ㄓˋ [zhi4] | V.i. | (1) To stagnate, be blocked up: 滯泥 [zhi4ni4]↓; 凝滯 freeze up, frozen, slow-moving; 滯阻 block up; 滯運 slow up luck; 滯訟,滯獄 longscanding lawsuits. (2) To loiter, not move forward: 滯留 [zhi4liu2]↓.
| Adj. & adv. | Sluggish, slow-moving: 滯流 sluggish stream or current; 滯貨 slow-selling goods.
| Words | 1. 滯礙 [zhi4ai4], v.t., to obstruct (progress). 2. 滯氣 [zhi4qi4], n., apathy and inertia. 3. 滯伏 [zhi4fu2], v.i., (LL) be lacking in ambition, self-enclosed. 4. 滯積 [zhi4ji1], v.i., pile up (back log.). 5. 滯累 [zhi4lei3], v.t., to be involved in material, sordid things. 6. 滯留 [zhi4liu2], v.i., to loiter (at a place), not move forward. 7. 滯泥 [zhi4ni4], v.i., be a stickler, be obstructed or held up by trifles: 滯滯泥泥 sticky (manner of doing things). 8. 滯下 [zhi4xia4], n., (AC) slow-moving bowels, a form of constipation. 9. 滯銷 [zhi4xiao1], phr., slow-selling (goods). 10. 滯胃 [zhi4wei4], phr., sluggish digestion. 11. 滯淹 [zhi4yan1], v.i., (LL) linger in life.