释义 |
源源 | 964C20 63A.01-5 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄩㄢˊ [yUan2] [Var. of原 51A.01] | N. | (1) Spring, fountain, source: 泉源 spring; 水源 source (of river, etc.); 源流,源本 [yUan2liu2], [yUan2ben3]↓: 同源 of the same origin; 起源 origin of events; 溯本求源 go back to the source or origins; 正本清源 (phil.) clear up the spring or source of moral character; 飲水思源 gratitude for source of benefit; 源遠流長 (a trend, an institution) of anc. origin and long development. (2) A surname.
| Words | 1. 源本 [yUan2ben3], n., origin of events: 源源本本 (narrate) from the beginning (also wr. 原本). 2. 源流 [yUan2liu2], n., origin and development. 3. 源頭 [yUan2tou2], n., source. 4. 源委 [yUan2wei3], n., story of origin and development of event (usu. wr. 原委). 5. 源源 [yUan2yUan2], adv., continuously (like a stream): 源源而來.