释义 |
湯湯 | 998C50 63A.50-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄊㄤ [tang1] (*ㄕㄤ [shang1] ). | N. | (1) Hot water, hot springs: 湯沐 bath; 湯泉 [tang1qUan2]↓. (2) Soup: 牛肉湯 beef broth; 雞湯 chicken soup; 湯麵 soup with noodles; 菜湯 vegetable soup; 高湯 simple plain soup, stock for cooking; 熬湯,燉湯 soup in stew; 泡湯 diluted, spoiled: 這件事已泡湯了 this affair has been spoiled; 落湯雞 all wet, drenched through, like drowned chicken; 赴湯蹈火 willing to go through fire and water, take all risks; 金城湯池 golden city and boiling hot moat--(lit. & fig.) for strongly fortified city; 湯碟,湯盤 [tang1pan2], 湯碗 [tang1wan3]↓; 湯羊 scalded or blanched lamb with skin on. (3) A surname.
| Words | 1. 湯包 [tang1bao1], n., dumpling with juicy meat. 2. 湯餅 [tang1bing3], n., as in 湯餅筵 celebration of third day of baby's birth, with noodles in soup, as a wish for long life. 3. 湯匙 [tang1chi2]1, n., spoon: 大湯匙 ladle. 4. 湯池 [tang1chi2]2, n., strength of city's defenses, see 金城湯池 under N.2↑. 5. 湯泉 [tang1qUan2], n., hot springs, (more oft. called 溫泉). 6. 湯鍋 [tang1guo0], n., butcher's cauldron at slaughterhouse. 7. 湯鑊 [tang1huo4], n., anc., cauldron for boiling man alive. 8. 湯兒 [tang1er0], n. & adj., soup; 湯兒事 s.t. insubstantial, empty show, pure talk. 9. 湯盤 [tang1pan2], n., soup plate. 10. 湯婆子 [tang1po2zi0], n., bed-warmer, made of copper or pewter and filled with hot water for warming up bed. 11. 湯湯 *[shang1shang1], adj., (AC) descriptive sound of water. 12. 湯水(兒) [tang1shui3] ([tang1shueer0]), n., (1) drinks; light food like vegetable soup; (2) (MC) financial means: 戲子有多大湯水 an actor cannot afford much; (3) (coll.) n. & adj., trouble, -some: 這件事太湯水 this matter is too troublesome. 13. 湯頭 [tang1tou0], n., medical recipes, decoctions. 14. 湯糰 [tang1tuan2], n., dumplings. 15. 湯碗 [tang1wan3], n., soup bowl. 16. 湯藥 [tang1yao4], n., medical stews, concoctions. 17. 湯液 [tang1ye4], n., medical potions. 18. 湯引 [tang1yin3], n., liquid taken with medicine to help circulate in body. 19. 湯圓 [tang1yUan2], n., see [tang1tuan2]↑.