释义 |
渡渡 | 1020C40 63A.82-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄉㄨˋ [du4] | N. | Ferry, ferryboat.
| V.t. | To cross over: 渡河,渡海 cross river, sea; 遠渡重洋 cross the big ocean; 過渡 transition; 過渡時代 transitional period; 引渡 (law) extradite, -tion; (Budd.) 超渡,渡化,渡過苦海 rescue from life of pains and misery and reach the other shore (彼岸) of salvation.
| Words | 1. 渡假 [du4jia4], v.i., spending a holiday. 2. 渡口 [du4kou3], n., ferry station. 3. 渡頭 [du4tou2], n., ditto. 4. 渡子 [du4zi0], n., ferry boatman.