释义 |
淺淺 | 1011C40 63A.71-7 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄑㄧㄢˇ [qian3] | Adj. & adv. | (1) Shallow (river, pool, plate): 不知深淺 unfathomable, do not know the depths or bottom of things; 擱淺 (of boat) run aground; 淺淺的盛一碗飯 give me just a small portion of rice; 淺斟低唱 sip (wine) slowly and hum a tune. (2) Superficial, not deep or profound: 淺薄,淺陋 [qian3bo2], [qian3lou4]↓; 淺見,淺識 superficial opinion, (also used court. of one's own opinion); 眼(光)淺 shortsighted; 浮淺,粗淺 rough and superficial (knowledge); 才疏學淺 (court. phr.) an inexperienced and uninformed person like myself. (3) Elementary, easy to see and understand : 這書太淺了 this book is too elementary; 程度很淺 very elementary (grade); 淺近,淺易 [qian3jin4], [qian3yi4]↓. (4) Light, mild in color or flavor: 淺綠 light green; 淺紅 pale red, rose. (5) In a cursory manner: 淺笑 give a cursory smile; 淺嚐即止 just have a tiny sip, (fig.) not going into subject in depth. (6) (Of animal furs) short.
| Words | 1. 淺薄 [qian3bo2], adj., superficial, cursory (knowledge); uninformed. 2. 淺近 [qian3jin4], adj., common place (facts); plain, simple (explanation), elementary. 3. 淺陋 [qian3lou4], adj., untutored, uninformed, provincial (oft. court. of oneself), superficial. 4. 淺明 [qian3ming2], adj., clear and easy to understand. 5. 淺人 [qian3ren2], n., (LL) an uncultured person. 6. 淺鮮 [qian3xian3]1, adj., little, flimsy (knowledge). 7. 淺顯 [qian2xian3]2, adj., plain, easy to understand (language, test). 8. 淺說 [qian3shuo1], n., an introduction, or simple guide to subject (oft. title of a book): 相對論淺說 a simple introduction to the theory of relativity. 9. 淺學 [qian3xUe2], adj., (LL) 淺學之士 a superficial scholar. 10. 淺聞 [qian3wen2], adj., not well read, uninformed. 11. 淺易 [qian3yi4], adj., simple and easy, elementary.