释义 |
淨淨 | 962B50 63A.00-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄐㄧㄥˋ [jing4] | N. | (Peking opera) an actor with a painted face.
| V.t. | Cleanse, wash: 淨手 [jing4shou3], 淨面 [jing4mian4]↓.
| Adj. | (1) Clean: 潔淨 clean, spotless, immaculate; 打掃得很乾淨 (of a house, room) dusted spotlessly clean; 收拾得乾乾淨淨 have (room, house) tidied up; 明窗淨几 (of a sitting room or study) tastefully furnished and kept spotlessly clean. (2) Pure, unalloyed: 純淨 pure, unmixed. (3) Empty, hollow, bare: 淨空 a cloudless sky; 輸個乾淨 lose every cent in gambling; 偷得乾乾淨淨 have everything stolen and nothing left. (4) Net: see 淨價,淨重,淨利 [jing4jia4], [jing4zhong4], [jing4li4]↓.
| Adv. | (1) Entirely: 這裡頭淨是水 there is nothing but water inside here. (2) Only: 屋裡淨剩下他一個人了he alone is left in the room.
| Words | 1. 淨宅 [jing4zhai2], v.i., to exorcize evil spirits from a house. 2. 淨價 [jing4jia4], n., the net price. 3. 淨重 [jing4zhong4], n., the net weight. 4. 淨量 [jing4liang4], n., ditto. 5. 淨利 [jing4li4], n., net profit (opp. 毛利 gross profit). 6. 淨面 [jing4mian4], v.i., to wash face. 7. 淨瓶 [jing4ping2], n., (Budd.) a washing pot. 8. 淨身 [jing4shen1], v.t., castrate. 9. 淨手 [jing4shou3], v.i., to wash hands. 10. 淨土 [jing4tu3], n., (Budd.) the Pure Land or Paradise of the West. 11. 淨桶 [jing4tong3], n., (Budd.) a urinal or stool. 12. 淨院 [jing4yUan4], n., a Buddhist temple.