释义 |
淡淡 | 1017C10 63A.81-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄉㄢˋ [dan4] | Adj. | Light, mild, (of color) pale: 淡紅,淡綠 pale red (pink), pale green; (of food) simple, not flavored: 淡飯 plain rice: 淡茶,淡酒 weak tea, diluted wine; (of water) fresh, not salty; (of soup) not salty enough; (of friendship, painting, dress, composition) simple, of refined simplicity: 淡掃蛾蝞 unpainted eyebrows; 輕描淡寫 describe with a delicate touch; 君子之交淡如水 a gentleman's friendship is simple (but solid, not demonstrative); 清淡,雅淡 of simple elegance (of writing); 平淡無奇 insipid, common; 冷淡 cool, indifferent; 淡季 slack season.
| Words | 1. 淡泊 [dan4bo2], adj. & v.t., as in 淡泊明志 live a simple life, showing one's goal in life; 淡泊名利 indifferent to fame and wealth; also wr. 淡薄,澹泊. 2. 淡氣 [dan4qi4], n., nitrogen, now generally wr. 氮. 3. 淡淡 [dan4dan4], adj., mild-flavored. 4. 淡竹 [dan4zhu2], n., a special fine-quality bamboo. 5. 淡漠 [dan4mo4], adj., cool, indifferent. 6. 淡然 [dan4ran2], adj., cool, not too excited. 7. 淡水 [dan4shui3], n., (1) fresh water, opp. sea water; 淡水魚 fresh water fish; (2) town in Formosa, usu. spelled Tamsui. 8. 淡菜 [dan4cai4], n., a kind of shellfish. 9. 淡雅 [dan4ya3], adj., elegantly simple.