释义 |
淒淒 | 1024C15 63A.93-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄑㄧ [qi1] . [Interch.凄] | Adj. | (1) Chilly, uncomfortably bleak: 淒淒 (AC) windy and rainy; 淒風苦雨 bleak wind and wretched rain. (2) Sad, mournful, disconsolate (Var. 悽 22A.93): 淒切,淒涼,淒楚 [qi1qie4], [qi1liang2], [qi1chu3]↓; 淒淚 forlorn tears; 淒咽 sad sobs.
| Words | 1. 淒切 [qi1qie4], adj., (of weeping, song) mournful, disconsolate: 淒切動人 sadly moving. 2. 淒愴 [qi1chuang4], adj,. sad and forlorn. 3. 淒楚 [qi1chu3], adj., see [qi1qie4]↑. 4. 淒冷 [qi1leng3], adj., cold, bleak. 5. 淒涼 [qi1liang2], adj., sad; forlorn, lonely: 淒淒涼涼 ditto; 老景淒涼 lonely in old age. 6. 淒厲 [qi1li4], adj., (of wind) bitterly cold. 7. 淒迷 [qi1mi2], adj., see [qi1liang2]↑. 8. 淒心 [qi1xin1], adj., (coll.) discomfort in stomach. 9. 淒慘 [qi1can3], adj., sad, hard up, oppressed. 10. 淒滄 [qi1cang1], adj., var. of [qi1chuang4]↑. 11. 淒豔 [qi1yan4], adj., (of love story) sad and beautiful.