释义 |
流流 | 1008A40 63A.70-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄌㄧㄡˊ [liu2] | N. | (1) (Of personal character, ability, composition, performance) class, grade, rate: 第一流人品 first-rate character; 第三流 third-rate; 一流人物 persons of the same type; 上流人士 (社會) higher-class people (society); 中流人物(社會) middle-class persons, (society); 下流 low-brow, mean; 下流社會 lower-class society, esp. ruffians, racketeers; 未入流 “out of the run”--person not yet qualified in academic circles; 流品,流亞 [liu2pin3], [liu2ya4]↓; 女流 ladies in gen.; …之流 of a certain class; 社會名流 well-known persons, V.I.P.’s, fashionable society. (2) School of thought, current of ideas: 儒者之流 the Confucianists; 三教九流 the three religions and classical nine schools of thought, see 九流 91.70; 流別 [liu2bie2]↓. (3) N. & v.t., (send to) exile. (4) Current, flow: 洋流,海流 ocean current; 暖流,寒流 warm, cold current of air, water; 赤道流 the tropical current; 河流 river, river current; 潛流 undercurrent, undertow; 主流 main current; 支流 subsidiary current, branch of river; 源流 current, trend, origin (of ideas, schools, institutions); 同流合污 birds of a feather flock together, associate oneself with undesirable elements or group; 順流,逆流 with, against the current; 輪流 take turns.
| V.i. | (1) To flow: 流汗 to perspire; 流血 bleed; 流淚 shed tears; 淚流滿面 tears cover one's face. (2) To drift, float, spread: 流傳,流布 [liu2chuan2], [liu2bu4]↓; 流芳 [liu2fang1]↓; to drift into: 流入俗套 drift into inanities; 流於形式 become formalistic. (3) V.t., (LL) to exile (s.o.).
| Adj. | (1) Floating about, without fixed place: 流娼,流寇 [liu2chang1], [liu2kou4]↓. (2) Without foundation: 流言 [liu2yan2]↓.
| Words | 1. 流輩 [liu2bei4], n., class of persons (usu. contempt.). 2. 流變 [liu2bian4], n., change and historical development (of school). 3. 流別 [liu2bie2], n., a certain branch of thought, of belief; (=派別). 4. 流弊 [liu2bi4], n., malpractice; shortcoming, failure arising out of system. 5. 流布 [liu2bu4], v.i., (of ideas, religion) spread abroad. 6. 流產 [liu2chan3], v.i. & n., (have a) miscarriage; meeting for which quorum cannot be obtained; (of a plan) fail to materialize. 7. 流娼 [liu2chang1], n., streetwalker, floating prostitute. 8. 流傳 [liu2chuan2], v.i., to spread in time or place: 謠言流傳 gossip spreads. 9. 流彈 [liu2dan4], n., stray bullet. 10. 流宕 [liu2dang4]1, (1) adj., (character, composition) undisciplined, ebullient; (2) v.i., spread or meander like river's course. 11. 流蕩 [liu2dang4]2, adj., undisciplined, profligate; loaf about. 12. 流動 [liu2dong4], adj. & v.i., drifting about, floating: 流動戶口 floating population; 空氣流動 air current, ventilation; 流動財產 liquid assets. 13. 流毒 [liu2du2], v.t. & n., (have) evil effect (of teachings, opium): 流毒青年 poison young minds. 14. 流放 [liu2fang4], v.t., send to exile. 15. 流芳 [liu2fang1], v.i., leave a good name: 萬世流芳,流芳千古 leave a good name to posterity. 16. 流風 [liu2feng1], n., as in 流風餘韻 remaining, lasting influence. 17. 流光 [liu2guang1], (1) n., the quickly passing time; (2) the floating moonlight on water; (3) ([liu2guang0]) to loaf about, unemployed. 18. 流滑 [liu2hua0], adj., slippery, cunning (person). 19. 流轉 [liu2zhuan3], v.i., to float about, drift around; to move constantly from place to place. 20. 流質 [liu2zhi2], n., a liquid substance. 21. 流寇 [liu2kou4], n., roving bandits. 22. 流覽 [liu2lan3], v.i., to glance over (books) (commonly 溜覽), to survey a moving spectacle. 23. 流浪 [liu2lang4], v.i., to travel freely, to work and drift from town to town: 流浪江湖 to move about the country without definite employment. 24. 流連 [liu2lian2], v.i., to loiter, linger: 流連忘返 indulge in pleasures without stop. 25. 流利 [liu2li4], adj. & n., fluent, -cy. 26. 流離 [liu2li2], v.i., to live life of refugee: 流離失所 to wander about lost or homeless; n., corrupt form for 琉璃 glass. 27. 流露 [liu2lu4], v.i., show unintentionally (sentiment from writing, speech): 真情流露 reveal true sentiment. 28. 流落 [liu2luo4] (liour-'luoh), v.i., to drift about, homeless. 29. 流氓 [liu2mang2], n., rascal, roughneck; ruffians as a group. 30. 流民 [liu2min2], n., refugee; poor people driven away from home. 31. 流年 [liu2nian2], n., (1) the passing years: 似水流年 years pass by quickly; (2) a fortuneteller’s prediction of the year’s course in person's life, also prediction year by year. 32. 流盼 [liu2pan4], n., loving glance, lingering look: 美目流盼 be witching glance of a beauty's eyes. 33. 流派 [liu2pai4], n., branch or sect (of teachings); type (of persons), trend (of writing). 34. 流配 [liu2pei4], v.t., send to distant exile. 35. 流品 [liu2pin3], n., type, class of person (cultured, sophisticated, third-rate, etc.). 36. 流人 [liu2ren2], n., (MC) refugee; exiled person. 37. 流 [liu2rong3], n., (AC) refugees, unemployed. 38. 流沙 [liu2sha1], n., anc. term for desert; sandy loam, silt, bog. 39. 流線型 [liu2xiang4xing2], adj., streamlined. 40. 流星 [liu2xing2], n., meteor, shooting star: 流星劍 very fast swordplay; 流星鎚 (anc. weapon) chain and hammers. 41. 流行 [liu2xing2], (1) adj., fashionable, much in vogue (style, customs); adj., epidemic: 流行性感冒 influenza; 流行病 epidemic; (2) v.i., circulate, become gen. accepted. 42. 流水 [liu2shui3], phr., flowing water: 行雲流水 easy, free-flowing style of writing; 光陰如流水 time passes like flowing water; 流水賬,流水簿 journal of accounts; 流水席 dinner served to guests as they arrive. 43. 流矢 [liu2shi3], n., flying or stray arrow. 44. 流蘇 [liu2su1], n., tassels (of flags). 45. 流俗 [liu2su2], n., customary practice, common customs; gen. run of people. 46. 流通 [liu2tong1], v.i. & n., circulate (of air, currency); adj., current, common. 47. 流亡 [liu2wang2], v.t., live as refugee abroad. 48. 流亞 [liu2ya4], n., (slightly derog.) class (of persons); degenerate or succeeding group. 49. 流言 [liu2yan2], n., gossip, hearsay (esp. malicious). 50. 流鶯 [liu2ying1], n., singing parakeet; oft. singsong girl. 51. 流螢 [liu2ying2], n., firefly. 52. 流域 [liu2yU4]1, n., river valley, river basin, area along a river. 53. 流寓 [liu2yU4]2, v.i., to stay abroad: 流寓東京 live in Tokyo (for certain years).