释义 |
派派 | 969A10 63A.02-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄆㄞˋ [pai4] | N. | School or current of thought, sect, groups of different beliefs: 流派 branch of thought; 學派, school of thought; 黨派 political party, wing; 新,舊派 new, old elements in society; 左,右派,leftists, rightists; 派別 [pai4bie2]↓; (AC) a branch of water current; 氣派 style (of dress, behavior).
| V.t. | To appoint (person) to post, mission; send (troops): 分派, to distribute, designate (work, gifts); allot blame (派他不是 put blame on him).
| Words | 1. 派別 [pai4bie2], n., categories, schools of thought, belief. 2. 派遣 [pai4qian3], v.t., send s.o. on mission. 3. 派出所 [pai4chu1suo3], n., branch police station. 4. 派發 [pai4fa1], v.i., distribute. 5. 派系 [pai4xi4], n., affiliation with (school or party). 6. 派頭 [pai4tou2], n., style (of dress, behavior).