释义 |
份份 | 1263B10 91A.50-8 | 部居
 | 畫數 6 | ㄈㄣˋ [fen4] . [Commonly interch.分 in all senses below, when分 is pr. ㄈㄣˋ [fen4] 80.50] | N. | (1) Part, portion, lot: 一份報 one copy of paper; 每一部份 every part; 股份 share of company; 成份 component, factor, proportion. (2) Duty: 本分, etc., see 分 80.50, N. 3.
| Words | 1. 份子 [fen4zi3], n., (1) member, elements: 搗亂份子 troublesome elements (in school, etc.); (2) ([fen4zi0]) share in group contributions to wedding gifts, etc.: 隨份子 follow everybody in share of contributions.