释义 |
洪洪 | 1013B50 63A.80-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄏㄨㄥˊ [hong2] | N. | (1) Flood water: 山洪 mountain stream or current; 洪水 [hong2shui3]↓. (2) A surname.
| Adj. | (LL) big, vast, grand: 洪濤 big waves; 洪流 big current; 洪鐘 big bell; 洪福 great luck; 洪恩 great favor; 洪才 great talent; 寬洪 generous, large-minded (interch. 鴻,宏).
| Words | 1. 洪荒 [hong2huang1], n., primordial times. 2. 洪鈞 [hong2jUn1], n., (AC) nature or heaven as the source of life. 3. 洪亮 [hong2liang4], adj., (of voice) resonant. 4. 洪水 [hong2shui3], n., flood, flood water.