释义 |
洞洞 | 995B00 63A.42-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄉㄨㄥˋ [dong4] | N. | (1) Cave, cavern, grotto: 山洞 cave in mountains; 仙洞 fairy grotto; 洞穴,洞窟 [dong4xUe4], [dong4ku4]↓. (2) A hole, leak: 洞孔,孔洞 a hole; leakage (in argument, plan); 洞口 entrance to cave.
| Adj. | Open, clear, thorough: 空洞 empty; 洞明,洞澈 clear, transparently clear; 洞若觀火 clear like looking at fire.
| Adv. | Clearly, through: 門戶洞開 gate is wide open; 洞見 see through; 洞燭其奸 see through his treachery; (in correspondence, court.) 洞悉,洞察 see through; 洞鑒 please be kindly informed; 世事洞明皆學問 to understand practical affairs clearly is (also) knowledge (not only book knowledge).
| Words | 1. 洞澈 [dong4che4], adj. & adv., clear, -ly. 2. 洞穿 [dong4chuan1], v.i. & t., penetrate, pierce through. 3. 洞房 [dong4fang2], n., nuptial chamber: 洞房花燭夜 wedding night. 4. 洞府 [dong4fu3], n., abode of fairies. 5. 洞窟 [dong4ku4], n., cave, cavern. 6. 洞簫 [dong4xiao1], n., bamboo flageolet. 7. 洞穴 [dong4xUe4], n., cave. 8. 洞天 [dong4tian1], n., cave as fairies’ abode: 洞天福地 some scenically beautiful place (as near temple); 別有洞天 hidden but beautiful spot, a world all its own. 9. 洞庭湖 [dong4ting2hu2], n., name of big lake in Hunan.