释义 |
泣泣 | 981A50 63A.30-6 | 部居
| 畫數 8 | ㄑㄧˋ [qi4] | V.i. & t. | (1) To sob, weep noiselessly: 涕泣,悲泣 to weep silently; 哭泣 to weep; 飲泣 to swallow one's tears; 暗泣 to sob secretly. (2) Cause to weep: 動天地而泣鬼神 (rhet.) move the universe and cause the gods to weep--very moving. (3) To weep and (+vb.) (used like weepingly, adv.): 泣叩,泣請,泣訴 weepingly implore, request, complain; 泣罪 please pardon the offender (used by sentenced prisoner).
| Words | 1. 泣血 [qi4xUe4], phr., (rhet.) weep tears of blood: 泣血稽顙 “shed tears of blood and kotow on the ground”--formula used in obituary for loss of a parent. 2. 泣涕 [qi4ti4], to weep, shed tears.