释义 |
泡泡 | 1011A25 63A.70-9 | 部居
| 畫數 8 | ㄆㄠˋ [pao4] | N. | Blister, foam, bubble: 起泡 (兒) form a blister.
| V.i. | (1) To make by scalding: 泡茶 make tea; 泡飯 pour boiling water over cooked rice. (2) To marinate, soak (meat, vegetables) in water, sauce, as preparation for cooking. (3) (S1.) (a) to court (girl); (b) get involved or mixed up in affairs: 他們泡上了 they have become lovers; they have got involved; 他已泡上了她 he has won her heart; 泡蘑姑 to chase a girl persistently.
| Words | 1. 泡幻 [pao4huan4], n., illusion. 2. 泡沫 [pao4mo4], n., foam, froth. 3. 泡菜 [pao4cai4], n., a treated vegetable root from Szechuan. 4. 泡影 [pao4ying3], n., bubble; (fig.) an illusion, or short span of life.