释义 |
治治 | 985B10 63A.40-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄓˋ [zhi4] | N. | (1) Administration, government, jurisdiction: 省治 provincial capital; 縣治 county seat, jurisdiction. (2) A surname.
| V.t. | (1) to govern, administer, take charge of: 治理,治國,治家 [zhi4li3], [zhi4guo2], [zhi4jia1]↓; 統治 to rule (a country); 自治 self-governing, -ment. (2) to set up, manage, prepare: 治裝,治喪 [zhi4zhuang1], [zhi4sang1]↓; 治酒 set up a wine dinner; 治宴 prepare a dinner; 大禹治水 The Great Yuu regulated the courses of rivers. (3) To treat (a disease): 治病,治療 [zhi4bing4], [zhi4liao2]↓; 醫治 to treat (a disease); 治好了 has been cured; 不治之症 incurable disease. (4) to punish: 懲治 ditto; 治罪 [zhi4zui4]↓; 治死 punish to death; 處治 to deal punishment to. (5) To study a special branch of learning: 治醫,治史,治經 study medicine, history, classics; 治學 [zhi4xUe2]↓.
| Words | 1. 治安 [zhi4an1], n., public security (from thefts, riots, etc.): 地方的治安如何 how is the public security of the place? 2. 治辦 [zhi4ban4], v.t., to deal with officially, to administer s.t. 3. 治本 [zhi4ben3], v.i. & n., (to effect) basic, fundamental reform; basic cure in medicine; cf. [zhi4biao1]↓. 4. 治標 [zhi4biao1], v.i. & n., alleviate symptoms of disease or social ills: temporary remedy; cf. [zhi4ben3]↑. 5. 治病 [zhi4bing4], v.i., to cure illness. 6. 治兵 [zhi4bing1], v.i., to train,or command an army. 7. 治產 [zhi4chan3], v.i., to manage business or property. 8. 治躬 [zhi4gong1], v.i., to take care of personal conduct. 9. 治國 [zhi4guo2], v.i., to rule a country. 10. 治化 [zhi4hua4], v.i., to rule and educate a people. 11. 治跡 [zhi4ji1]1, n., results of regime. 12. 治績 [zhi4ji1]2, n., ditto. 13. 治家 [zhi4jia1], v.i., to run a family properly. 14. 治經 [zhi4jing1], v.i., to study the classics. 15. 治裝 [zhi4zhuang1], v.i., to pack up for journey. 16. 治具 [zhi4jU4], v.i., prepare a wine dinner. 17. 治軍 [zhi4jUn1], v.i., train and command an army. 18. 治療 [zhi4liao2], (1) n., therapy: 精神治療 psychotherapy, psychiatric treatment; (2) v.t., to cure. 19. 治理 [zhi4li3], v.t., to rule, manage, put in order. 20. 治平 [zhi4ping2], v.i., from 治國平天下 rule the country and give peace to the world. 21. 治戎 [zhi4rong2], v.i., see [zhi4bing1]↑. 22. 治喪 [zhi4sang1], v.i., manage, set up a funeral. 23. 治生 [zhi4sheng1], v.i, make a livelihood. 24. 治下 [zhi4xia4], phr., under a jurisdiction. 25. 治行 [zhi4xing2], (1) (AC) prepare for journey; [zhi4xing2], (2) ([zhi4xing4]) (AC) results of an administration. 26. 治術 [zhi4shu4], n., statecraft, the art of government. 27. 治世 [zhi4shi4], v.i., to rule the country. 28. 治學 [zhi4xUe2], v.i., to make a study of subjects. 29. 治罪 [zhi4zui4], v.i., to punish. 30. 治要 [zhi4yao4], n., elements of art of government.