释义 |
油油 | 986B50 63A.41-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 8 | ㄧㄡˊ [you2] | N. | (1) Oil: 豬油 lard; 牛油 (黃牛) butter; 生油 peanut oil; 菜油 vegetable oil, rapeseed oil; 香油 (芝麻油) sesame oil; 煤油,石油 petroleum; 汽油 gasoline; 火油 kerosene; 豆油 soya sauce; 茶油 hair-oil made from camellia seeds; 桐油 wood oil. (2) Varnish: 油漆 [you2qi1]↓.
| V.t. | To varnish: 油一油大門 varnish the gate; 油漆 [you2qi1]↓.
| Adj. | (1) Greasy, oily: 衣服都油了 dress gets greasy; 油光 [you2guang1]↓; 油晃晃的 very oily; 油汪汪 very shiny, -ing. (2) Glib, flippant: 油腔滑調,油嘴滑舌 said of persuasive but not reliable talker; 這人油極了 this fellow is as slippery as an eel; 老油子 a crafty fellow.
| Adv. | Abundantly, spontaneously: 油然 [you2ran2]↓.
| Words | 1. 油碧幢 [you2bi4chuang2], n., (1) cart with green oiled cloth cover; (2) painted cart cover. 2. 油碧車 [you2bi4jU1], n., painted cart. 3. 油餅 [you2bing3], n., (1) oil cake used as fertilizer; (2) fried cake. 4. 油布 [you2bu4], n., waterproof cloth treated with wood oil. 5. 油炒麵兒 [you2chao3miaher0], see [you2cha2]↓. 6. 油茶 [you2cha2], n., a pasty drink made of butter, fried flour and sugar. 7. 油漆 [you2qi1], v.t. & n., varnish, oil paints; 油漆匠 a (house) painter. 8. 油綢子 [you2chou2zi0], n., waterproof silks, used for package. 9. 油蟲 [you2chong2], n., cockroach. 10. 油裙 [you2qUn2], n., cook's apron. 11. 油點兒(子) [you2diaaer0]([zi0]), n., grease spots, stains. 12. 油燈 [you2deng1], n., oil lamp. 13. 油坊 [you2fang2], n., an oil store. 14. 油倣紙 [you2fang2zhi3], n., a semitransparent paper used for tracing calligraphy. 15. 油風 [you2feng1], n., a disease characterized by falling hair, peeling and itchy skin. 16. 油蓋 [you2gai4], n., (MC) (1) painted top of carriage or cart; (2) oiled-paper umbrella. 17. 油管 [you2guan3], n., oil pipe. 18. 油光(兒) [you2guang1]([er0]), adj., oily smooth. 19. 油鍋 [you2guo1], n., cauldron of boiling oil--one of punishments of Buddhist hell. 20. 油畫 [you2hua4], n., oil painting. 21. 油滑 [you2](')[hua2], adj., glib, flippant, not reliable. 22. 油環 [you2huan2], n., (mech.) scraper ring. 23. 油灰 [you2hui1], n., putty. 24. 油夥兒 [you2](')[huo3er0], n., cook's assistant. 25. 油葫蘆 [you2hu2lu2], n., a kind of cricket, Gryllodes mitratus. 26. 油炸鬼 [you2zha0gui3], n., fritters. 27. 油榨 [you2zha2], n., an oil press. 28. 油炸果(兒) [you2zha2guo3]([er0]), n., see [you2zha1gui3]↑, also called 油條. 29. 油跡 [you2ji1], n., grease spots, oil stains. 30. 油煎 [you2jian1], v.t., to fry in oil. 31. 油匠 [you2jiang0], n., house painter. 32. 油井 [you2jing3], n., an oil well. 33. 油脂 [you2zhi1], n., olein; fatty tissue. 34. 油紙 [you2zhi3], n., oilpaper. 35. 油庫 [you2ku4], n., oil tank. 36. 油兒 [you2er0], n., (1) oil, lard, fat; (2) see [you2shui3]↓. 37. 油亮(兒) [you2liang4]([er0]), adj., shining, shiny. 38. 油簍 [you2lou3], n., oil hamper. 39. 油綠 [you2lU4], adj., dark green. 40. 油麻 [you2ma2], n., linseed. 41. 油門 [you2men2], n., (mech.) accelerator. 42. 油墨 [you2mo4], n., printing ink. 43. 油膩 [you2ni4] (your-'ni), adj., greasy, too rich in oil. 44. 油泥 [you2ni2], n., oily dandruff, greasy dirt. 45. 油盤 [you2pan2], n., lacquer tray. 46. 油皮兒 [you2pierer0], n., epidermis. 47. 油然 [you2ran2], adv., (of rain, cloud) fully, densely: 油然而生 arise spontaneously (a feeling). 48. 油色 [you2se4], n., oil color. 49. 油杓(兒) [you2shao2er0], n., see [you2zi0]↓. 50. 油香 [you2xiang0], n., (a Moslem food) oil cake of flour, salt, fried in sesame oil. 51. 油鞋 [you2xie2], n., waterproof shoes. 52. 油星(兒)(子) [you2xing1]([er0])([zi0]), n., small marks from cooking oil. 53. 油水(兒) [you2shui3]([er0]), n., that which is grease for the palm, illegitimate profit. 54. 油飾 [you2shi4], v.t., to paint over with wood oil. 55. 油靴 [you2xUe1], n., waterproof boots. 56. 油素 [you2su4], n., fine gauze for painting or calligraphy. 57. 油絲絹 [you2si1zhuan4], n., ditto. 58. 油田 [you2tian2], n., oilfield. 59. 油條 [you2tiao2], n., fritters of twisted dough (see [you2zha2guo3]↑). 60. 油菜 [you2cai4], n., rape. 61. 油刺 [you2ci4], n., blackheads. 62. 油桐 [you2tong2], n., (bot.) Aleurites cordata. 63. 油子 [you2zi0], n., (coll.) old blackguard, an old fox. 64. 油嘴 [you2zui3], adj., quick-tongued, flippant, argumentative. 65. 油眼 [you2yan3], n., (mech.) oil hole. 66. 油煙(子) [you2yan1] ([you2yan1zi0]), n., soot, lamp-black. 67. 油鹽店 [you2yan2dian4], n., drygoods store. 68. 油衣 [you2yi1], n., oilskins. 69. 油印 [you2yin4], v.t. & n., mimeograph. 70. 油油 [you2you2], adj., (AC) floating, billowing; unctuous.