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氣氣 | 1349B20 92.70 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄑㄧˋ [qi4] | N. | (1) Air, gas: 氣體 gas; 空氣 air, also atmosphere; 氧氣 oxygen; 氫氣 hydrogen; 天氣 weather, climate; 暖氣 warm air; 冷氣 cool air; 一氣讀完,寫完 read in one sitting, write at one stretch; 氣候,氣象 [qi4hou4], [qi4xiang4]↓. (2) Breath: 屏氣 hold one's breath; 斷氣,氣絕 draw last breath; 出氣多,入氣少 (patient about to die) feeble breath; 歎氣 sigh; 呵氣 blow breath (on cold hand, glass, etc.); 氣息 [qi4xi2]↓. (3) Energy, force, vitality: 元氣 vital energy; 力氣 physical strength; 生氣(勃勃) vitality; 氣虛 [qi4xU1]↓; (of writing) force: 文氣 force of writing; 行氣 (calig.) force or vitality of stroke; 大氣磅礡 great vitality; 傷氣 hurts one's spirit and energy. (4) Spirit, moral force: 志氣 ambition; 義氣 honor, integrity; 骨氣 backbone, integrity; 勇氣,膽氣 courage; 俠氣,豪氣 chivalry, generosity; 脾氣 temperament; 氣粗 (person) coarse temperament; 氣度,氣概,氣量 [qi4du4], [qi4gai4], [qi4liang4]↓; 英氣 brilliance; 氣格,氣骨 [qi4ge2], [qi4gu3]1↓. (5) Tone, atmosphere, manner: 習氣 habit, customs; 風氣,流氣 atmosphere, (social, moral) fashion; 語氣,口氣 tone of one's words; 士氣 morale, atmosphere of literary circles; 朝氣,旺氣 atmosphere of growth and vitality; 暮氣,衰氣 atmosphere of decay; 靈氣 vitality, moving spirit; 和氣 peaceable temper or atmosphere; 俗氣 vulgarity; 賤氣 cheap type, low and vulgar; 邪氣,妖氣 evil, evil-minded; 陰陽怪氣 eccentric; 傻氣 dogged determination; 小氣 petty, mean; 小家氣 cheap, common, mean; 殺氣 blood-thirsty, terrorism, -stic; 晦氣 unlucky, misfortune. (6) Smell: 香氣 fragrance; 臭氣 bad odor, moldy odor. (7) Type: 氣派 type; 一氣 same type; 他們幾個人是一氣,通同一氣 they are of the same group (acting together); 一鼻孔出氣 breathe, talk in the same way: 氣味 [qi4wei4]↓.
| V.i. & t. & adj. | To fume, get angry; 生氣 get angry; 怒氣沖沖 enraged; 氣哼哼 fuming; to anger (person): 氣人 enrages people; 氣死我了 or 氣壞了 makes me boil with angry; 忍氣吞聲 swallow the humiliation and insult.
| Words | 1. 氣胞 [qi4bao1], n., (physiol.) air cell; respiratory hollow of plant. 2. 氣槍 [qi4qiang1], n., air gun. 3. 氣球 [qi4qiu2], n., balloon. 4. 氣喘 [qi4chuan3], v.i., to be short of breath, to gasp, suffer from asthma. 5. 氣圈 [qi4qUan1], n., the air surrounding the earth. 6. 氣道 [qi4dao4], n., (physiol.) respiratory circuit. 7. 氣墊子 [qi4dian4zi0], n., air cushion. 8. 氣短 [qi4duan3], adj., disappointed, downcast: 英雄氣短 a good man caught in difficult circumstances; short of breath. 9. 氣度 [qi4du4], n., generosity of spirit or appearance: 氣度非凡 impressive appearance; 氣度小 mean, spiteful. 10. 氣忿 [qi4fen4]1, adj. & n., angry; anger. 11. 氣憤 [qi4fen4]2, adj. & n., see [qi4fen4]1↑ 12. 氣氛 [qi4fen1], n., atmosphere, esp. a laden atmosphere. 13. 氣概 [qi4gai4], n., manner, spirit; heroic manner, see [qi4du4]↑. 14. 氣根 [qi4gen1], n., (bot.) aerial root. 15. 氣格 [qi4ge2], n., personal character; moral force or character. 16. 氣管 [qi4guan3], n., (physiol.) the windpipe, trachea; the bronchial tubes; 氣管炎 bronchitis. 17. 氣骨 [qi4gu3]1, n., moral character, backbone of character. 18. 氣鼓 [qi4gu3]2, n., (Chin. med.) swelling ascribed to accumulation of gas. 19. 氣恨 [qi4hen4], v.t., to hate. 20. 氣候 [qi4hou4], n., (1) climate; (2) weather; (3) time of lunar year; n., 氣候帶 n., climatic zone; n., 氣候學 climatology. 21. 氣化 [qi4hua4], v.i., to gasify, vaporize. 22. 氣懷 [qi4huai2], v.i., (a baby) gets jealous seeing another baby in his mother's breast. 23. 氣積 [qi4ji1], n., (Chin. med.) symptoms of indigestion. 24. 氣界 [qi4jie4], n., see [qi4qUan1]↑. 25. 氣結 [qi4jie2]1, (1) n., (Chin. med.) a distemper, block-up of circulatory system; (2) adj., miserable with suppressed sorrows or other emotions. 26. 氣節 [qi4jie2]2, n., moral integrity. 27. 氣質 [qi4zhi2], n., (1) natural endowment or inborn quality (of living things, person); (2) a gaseous body; (3) temperament: 他的氣質太壞 his moral endowment is deficient. 28. 氣絕 [qi4jUe2], phr., draw last breath. 29. 氣沮 [qi4jU3], phr., suffocate in spirit. 30. 氣孔 [qi4kong3], n., stomata of plants or of lower animals. 31. 氣累脖兒 [qi4lei3bo2er0], n., thyroglosaal cyst, (Chin. med.) a thyroid disease or malfunctioning (such as goiter). 32. 氣類 [qi4lei4], n., type of person. 33. 氣量 [qi4liang4], n., as in 氣量大,小 generosity or meanness. 34. 氣力 [qi4li4], n., physical strength. 35. 氣流 [qi4liu2], n., current of air. 36. 氣樓 [qi4lou2], n., small tower for ventilation on top of granary. 37. 氣籠 [qi4long2], n., air tube of bamboo in granary to prevent moulding decay. 38. 氣悶 [qi4men4], adj., depressed. 39. 氣門 [qi4men2], n., stomata of plants, (Chin. med.) pores in the skin. 40. 氣惱 [qi4nao3], v.i., be angry. 41. 氣囊 [qi4nang2], n., a bird's air sac. 42. 氣逆 [qi4ni4], adj., (Chin. med.) malfunction of regulatory system; shortness of breath. 43. 氣派 [qi4pai0], n., style (of person). 44. 氣魄 [qi4po4], n., moral force, strength of purpose (big, small). 45. 氣色 [qi4se4], n., complexion (good, bad, pale). 46. 氣象 [qi4xiang4], n., (1) climatic pheomena; (2) see [qi4gai4]↑; 氣象學 meteorology; n., 氣象臺 n., weather station, meteorological observatory. 47. 氣性 [qi4xing4], n., person's temperament. 48. 氣息 [qi4xi2], n., (1) breath: 氣息尚存 person is still breathing, alive; (2) spirit of writing (文章氣息): 毫無氣息 totally lacking in spirit, insipid. 49. 氣數 [qi4shu4], n., fate, destiny (as “reckoned” in divination. 50. 氣虛 [qi4xU1], n. & adj., (Chin. med.) debility; enervated, feeble in vitality. 51. 氣死 [qi4si3], v.t., to infuriate, drive (one) crazy; 氣死風 (coll.) storm lantern; 氣死貓 (coll.) wired food cabinet which frustrates cats. 52. 氣體 [qi4ti3], n., gaseous body. 53. 氣層 [qi4ceng2], n., strata of air. 54. 氣筒(子) [qi4tong3]([zi0]), n., air pump for bicycle. 55. 氣味 [qi4wei4], n., (1) flavor, taste: 氣味相投 people of the same tastes, similar in inclinations, methods; (2) smell: 氣味難聞 (LL) stinks awfully. 56. 氣溫 [qi4wen1], n., air temperature. 57. 氣壓 [qi4ya1], n., air pressure; 氣壓計 barometer. 58. 氣眼 [qi4yan3], n., hole in hat or room for ventilation. 59. 氣燄 [qi4yan4], n., flame of anger; person's arrogance: 氣燄逼人 insufferably haughty. 60. 氣運 [qi4yUn4]1, n., luck (good, bad). 61. 氣韻 [qi4yUn4]2, n., flavor (of writing), tone and atmosphere (of painting): 氣韻生動 (of painting) rhythmic vitality. 62. 氣宇 [qi4yU3], n., inspiring looks, manner of a person's carriage.