

ㄇㄧㄣˊ [min2
N.(1)  The people: 人 the people;
common citizen;
the people of the country, see 國 41.41.
(2)  In many LL phrr.: 為邦本 the people are the foundation of the country;
胞物與 from “吾同胞,物吾與焉”of 張載 the people are my brothers, the creation is part of me;
以食為天 food is (No. 1 need) god for the people;
不堪命,不聊生 the people are hard pressed, living in misery;
膏 the “people's fat”(to be squeezed by taxes).
(3)  Freely used in LL in place of coll. 百姓:害 evils to the common people;
賊, thieves, parasites of the people (bad ruling class);
聲 the people's voice;
隱 hidden grievances of the people;
主,有,享 by the people, of the people, for the people;
時(AC) the times for planting and harvest of the people;
see 三主義 Sanmin Doctrine, 30.30.
Words1. [min2qUan2], n., the people's rights; 權主義 [min2qUan2zhu3yi4], Doctrine of People's Rights, one of Three People's (Sanmin) Doctrines, see [min2sheng1], [min2zu2]↓.
2. [min2fa3], n., civil law.
3. [min2fang2], n., common people's houses.
4. [min2feng1], n., the customs and morals of the people.
5. [min2fu1], n., formerly, conscripted labor.
6. [min2ge1], n., folk songs.
7. [min2guo2], n., republic; 中華[zhong1hua2min2guo2] the Republic of China; 國以來,以前 since the founding of the Republic, before the Republic; as year of reckoning from 1912, subtract eleven: 1944=M. G. 33, 1960=M.G. 49.
8. [min2zheng4], n., domestic affairs; 政廳 Department of Civil Affairs; 政機關 civil administration.
9. [min2jian1], adj., of the folks: 間故事 [min2jian1gu4shi4], n., folk tales.
10. [min2zhong4], n., the masses; the populace.
11. [min2zhu3], n., democracy; adj., 主的 democratic; 不主(的) not democratic; n., 主黨 the Democratic Party in U.S.A. versus 共和黨 the Republican Party.
12. [min2zhi4], n., government by the people, now usu. called [min2zhu3]↑.
13. [min2mu4], n., magistrate, regarded as “the shepherd of the people.”
14. [min2sheng1], n., the people's livelihood; 生主義 [min2sheng1zhu3yi4], one of the Sanmin Doctrines; see [min2qUan2]↑, [min2zu2]↑.
15. [min2xin1], n., the loyalty of the people: 得心,失心 win, lose, the loyalty of the people.
16. [min2shi4], adj., civil (offence, law): 事訴訟 civil case in court.
17. [min2xUan3], n., adj. & v.i., popular election, elected by people; n., 選機關 elected body.
18. [min2su2], n., people's customs (good, bad); 俗學 [min2su2xUe2], ethnology; 俗文學 folk literature.
19. [min2tuan2], n., formerly, militia.
20. [min2zu2], n., race, tribe: 新興的族 newly risen races; 族主義 [min2zu2zhu3yi4], nationalism, one of Sanmin Doctrines; 族自決 national self-determination; 族自治 national autonomy; 族解放陣線 National Liberation Front.
21. [min2wang4], n., a person's command of loyalty of the people; prestige.
22. [min2yao2], n., folk songs, folk rhymes often bearing political satire or forecast.
23. [min2yi4], n., the people's consensus of opinion: 以意為指歸 follow, reflect the public sentiment; 意所歸 the public sentiment favors (a leader); 意測驗 popular opinion survey, poll.





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