释义 |
以以 | 343B15 21S.81-8 | 部居
| 畫數 5 | ㄧˇ [yi3] | N. | Short for 以色列 Israel (cf. 意 for Italy).
| V.i. & t. | (1) Do: 可以 vb. aux., may; 視其所以 see what he does. (2) Consider as: 以為 [yi3wei2], 以謂 [yi3wei4]↓. (3) In order to; like Eng. “to”, used to introduce infinitive: 以免,以妨 in order to avoid, prevent; 以備萬一 to provide against any contingency; 以杜後患 to forestall future trouble; 以釋群疑 to allay doubt in public's mind; 以補所失 to repay the loss; 以救眉急 to answer urgent needs; 以資參考 to provide for reference; 以致身亡 as a result, he died; 以昭信用 to show good faith.
| Prep. | (Usu.) placed before nn. (1) Giving direction or time sequence: 以上,以下 above, below; 以東,以西,以左,以右 to the east, west, left, right; 以前,以後 before, after; 以往 formerly; 以來 since that time; 以外,以內 excluding, including. (2) Giving cause: 以此,以此之故,以故 for this reason; 是以,所以 therefore; 良有以也 (LL) indeed that was why. (3) With, indicating implement, instrumentality; 以毒攻毒 fight poison with poison; 以德報怨 to return good for evil; 以手加額 place hand over one's forehead (in greeting); 以身作則 make oneself serve as example to others; 以淚洗面 “wash my face with tears” (in extreme misery); 以逸待勞 hold one's position awaiting enemy attack after long march; 以訛傳訛 pass on rumors, incorrect reading, etc.
| Words | 1. 以便 [yi3bian4], phr., in order to facilitate (doing): 以便回報,回家 so that I can make a report, return home. 2. 以前 [yi3qian2], adv. & prep., before: 啟程以前 before departure; 以前不是這樣 it was not so before. 3. 以待 [yi3dai4], phr., in order to wait for (what is expected). 4. 以防 [yi3fang2], phr., in order to prevent. 5. 以故 [yi3gu4], adv. & conj., therefore. 6. 以後 [yi3hou4], adv., (1) since (used after vb.); (2) later on, afterwards. 7. 以還 [yi3huan2], adv., (LL) since (=以來 used after vb.). 8. 以降 [yi3jiang4], adv., (LL) since (some past date or event), from (event) down. 9. 以致 [yi3zhi4], phr., resulting in (division, destruction, death, etc.); with the result that (I came late, etc.). 10. 以來 [yi3lai2], adv., since, after (doing): 民國以來 since the founding of the Republic. 11. 以免 [yi2mian3], phr., in order to prevent, forestall. 12. 以內 [yi3nei4], prep., phr. including. 13. 以色列 [yi3se4lie4], n., Israel. 14. 以上 [yi3shang4], (1) adv. & prep., above (certain number, age, etc.): 以上所說 what is said above; (2) n., the above (passage). 15. 以下 [yi3xia4], adv. & prep., below (number, age): 三十以下 below thirty; 以下所說 what follows. 16. 以次 [yi3ci4], adv., according to order. 17. 以此 [yi3ci3], (1) conj., because of this, therefore; (2) phr., with this (conclude, etc.); (3) accordingly: 以此進行 proceed thus. 18. 以資 [yi3zi1], phr., to help along (doing); to provide for (reference, etc.). 19. 以往 [yi2wang3], ad. & adv., former, -ly: 以往的事 past events. 20. 以外 [yi3wai4], (1) phr., excluding; (2) conj., furthermore. 21. 以謂 [yi3wei4], phr., (AC) see [yi3wei2]↓. 22. 以為 [yi3wei2] ([yi3wei0]), v.i., regard as, take for (usu. mistakenly): 以為好人 thought or took s.o. as a good man; 我以為 I thought (by mistake).