释义 |
比比 | 339A20 21S.70-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 4 | ㄅㄧˇ [bi3] (*ㄅㄧˋ [bi4] ). | N. | (1) (AC) Metaphor in poetry. (2) Comparison, contest: 無比 incomparable, without compare; 大比 provincial or district civil examinations.
| V.t. | Compare, oft. 比較:兩樣相比 compare the two together; 比一比 compare them; 比不得,比不上 cannot compare with (person, object); 可比 may be compared to, be just like; 難比 it is another matter, not the same as; 比上不足,比下有餘 worse off than some, better off than many--formula for contentment; 比快,比高 determine relative speed, height; 比重 [bi3zhong4]↓.
| Adj. | (*[bi4]) Close: 比親,比鄰 close relative, neighbor; 比年,心歲 recent years.
| Prep. | Than: 他比我強 he is better, bigger than I; 比這大得多 much bigger than this one.
| Adv. conj. | (*[bi4]) (LL) until, till; 比及 when, by the time; 比來 recently; 比聞,比見 (LL) recently heard, saw; 比維起居佳吉 (LL) I hope everything goes well with you.
| Words | 1. 比比 *[bi4bi4], adv., in 比比皆是: they are everywhere, all like that. 2. 比並 [bi3bing4], v.i., compare to. 3. 比丘 [bi3qiu1], n., Buddhist monk, from Sanskr. bhiksha; n., 比丘尼 [bi3qiu1ni2], n., nun, from Sanskr. bhiksuni. 4. 比方 [bi3feng0], adv., for instance; n., a supposition, illustration by example: 比方說 suppose, let us say. 5. 比附 [bi3fu4], v.t., (LL) compare by putting things together; append. 6. 比畫 [bi3hua4], v.i., (1) make hand gestures; (2) make boxing gestures for warming up; (3) come to blows: 兩人說著說著比畫起來. 7. 比照 [bi3zhao4], adj. & prep., according to, in accordance with (regular procedure). 8. 比輯 [bi3ji1], v.t., collate. 9. 比肩 *[bi4jian1], adv., shoulder to shoulder: 比肩並進 advance thus. 10. 比較 [bi3jiao4], v.i., compare; adv., relatively; 比較大,快 relatively bigger, faster; 比較心理學,語言學 comparative psychology, linguistics; 比較音樂學 comparative musicology; 比較文學 comparative literature. 11. 比周 *[bi4zhou4], adj., (LL) close and cordial. 12. 比重 [bi3zhong4], n., specific weight or gravity. 13. 比來 *[bi4lai2], adv., recently. 14. 比例 [bi3li4], n., (1) comparison; (2) example: 做比例 as an example; (3) proportion, ratio: 正比例 direct ratio, proportion; 反比例 reverse ratio; 常比例 constant ratio; 比例尺 [bi3li4chi3], scale (of map); 比例規 [bi3li4gui1], proportional dividers. 15. 比目魚 [bi3mu4yU2], n., sole, flounder. 16. 比擬 [bi2ni3], n. & v.i., compare to; such comparison. 17. 比熱 [bi3re4], n., (phys.) specific heat. 18. 比如 [bi3ru2], adv., for example; suppose. 19. 比賽 [bi3sai4], n. & v.i., contest (athletics, art, etc.). 20. 比手畫腳 [bi2shou3hua4jiao3], phr., make lively gestures (while talking). 21. 比翼 [bi3yi4], adv., (fly) wing to wing, inseparable (of lovers, married couple): 比翼雙飛,比翼鳥 such happy couple. 22. 比喻 [bi3yU4], n., a parable, metaphor, allegory.
比 | 1047C35 70S.70-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 4 | ㄅㄧˇ [bi3] (*ㄅㄧˋ [bi4] ). [See 21S.70] |