

ㄌㄧㄥˋ [ling4 (*ㄌㄧㄥˊ [ling2). [Var. ; all compp. with , are treated as .63]

ㄌㄧㄥˋ [ling4 (*ㄌㄧㄥˊ [ling2). [Var. ; all compp. with , are treated as .63]
N.(1)  Military or official order: 命 order;
official instructions;
a military command, military discipline;
official ban;
(oft. used in official documents) it is ordered, you are hereby ordered, instructed to: 申 give order;
五申 we have repeatedly explained and ordered;
it is strictly ordered;
旗 formerly, flag of command;
箭 formerly, mil. order given with an arrow;
旨 emperor's wish.
(2)  The law: 法,律 statutes;
典 legal code.
(3)  Season: 時,月 season of the year;
,夏 spring, summer season: 夏大會 summer conference.
(4)  Formerly, magistrate: 尹 district magistrate;
county magistrate;
尚書 prime minister in Tarng Dynasty;
cf. 尚書 22.42.
(5)  A surname.
(6)  A ream (500 sheets) of paper (translit.).
V.t.(Causative vb.) to make, (s.o.) to: (sometimes pr. *[ling2]): 即出京 order (s.o.) to leave capital at once;
人滿意 make people satisfied-satisfactory;
人懷疑 cause suspicion;
人喜歡 be liked by people (“cause to like”).
Adj.(1)  (Court.) your (forming compp. as follows): 尊 your father;
堂,慈 your mother;
正 your wife;
兄,弟,姊,妹 your brother, sister (elder, younger);
愛,媛 your daughter;
郎,嗣 your son;
岳 your father-in-law;
親 your parents;
高足 your bright student.
(2)  Good, esteemed: 名,聞,譽 good reputation;
德 good character;
節 fine festival or season;
終 die a natural death, pass off peacefully;
巧言色 pleasing words and smoothness of manner;





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