释义 |
殃殃 | 529A10 31S.81-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄧㄤ [yang1] | N. | (1) A disaster: 災殃 ditto; 遭殃 encounter a disaster. (2) Death, see 殃榜 [yang1bang3]↓.
| V.t. | To bring disaster to: 殃禍 to bring on disaster; 禍國殃民 ruin a country and bring sorrow to its people; 殃及池魚 (a fire on city wall) brings disaster to the fish in the moat; 殃及無辜 trouble involves the innocent people.
| Words | 1. 殃榜 [yang1bang3], n., an astrologer's certificate of horoscope of the deceased, etc., serving as death certificate at court.