

ㄎㄨㄢˇ [kuan3. [Var. ; pop. ]
N.(1)  A clause, item: 條, treaty clause;
目,[kuan3mu4], [kuan3xiang4]↓.
(2)  Fund, money: 募,籌 raise money;
appropriate funds, allot money (for some purpose);
額,[kuan3e2], [kuan3zi0]↓;
public funds;
a loan;
deposit, money on hand;
reparations, indemnity;
(3)  Manner: [kuan3shi4]↓.
(4)  Signature on scroll or inscription: 題 ditto;
,下 the inscription (to person) and the signature in a scroll.
V.t.(1)  To take care of guests: [kuan3dai4]↓;
(2)  (AC) to knock at gates: 關,門.
Adj. & adv.(1)  Sincerely: 誠 sincere heart;
留 cordially invite to stay;
服 (LL) sincerely pay homage to: 附 (LL) sincerely submit as vassal state;
交 (LL) true friendship;
語 (LL) intimate talk.
(2)  Slow, leisurely: [kuan3bu4]↓.
Words1. [kuan3bu4], adv., in slow, leisurely steps, in a stroll.
2. [kuan3qia4], adj., cordial (relationship).
3. [kuan3qU1], n., innermost feelings: 一敘曲 to have a hearty talk (after long absence).
4. [kuan3dai4], v.t., to receive, look after (guest): 慇勤待 receive most cordially.
5. [kuan3dong1], n., (bot.) Petasites japonicus (also wr. 東).
6. [kuan3e2], n., a sum.
7. [kuan3fei4], n., expenses.
8. [kuan3fu2], v.t., (of accused) plead guilty.
9. [kuan3jie1], v.t., to receive, welcome (guest, friend).
10. [kuan3zhi4], n., signature or inscription on scroll, bronze or stone.
11. [kuan2kuan3], adv., leisurely: 而來.
12. [kuan3er0], n., (1) see [kuan3zhi4]↑; (2) manner: 小姐兒 (coll.) manner of a young lady.
13. [kuan3mi4], adj., intimate.
14. [kuan3mu4], n., an item, esp. in accounts; a clause in agreement.
15. [kuan3xiang4], n., (1) see [kuan3mu4]↑; (2) ([kuan3xiang0]) a definite sum.
16. [kuan3shi4], (1) n., style: 蘇州式 Soochow style (of hair, dress); (2) ([kuan3shi0]) adj., stylish.
17. [kuan3zi0], n., a sum: 這筆子 this sum.
18. [kuan3yao4], n., (LL) true feelings.

ㄎㄨㄢˇ [kuan3. [Var. ; pop. ]





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