释义 |
欣欣 | 1197B45 90S.81-9 | 部居
![](Images/linyutang/Lexis/Lindict/Radical/rad_gif/rad76.gif) | 畫數 8 | ㄒㄧㄣ [xin1] . [Cogn.忻] | Adj. | Happy, joyful.
| Adv. | (LL) happily: 欣賀 joyfully congratulate; 欣羨,欣欣,欣然 [xin1xian4], [xin1xin1], [xin1ran2]↓; 欣企 happily hope; 欣敬,欣戴 pay glad homage to.
| Words | 1. 欣忭 [xin1bian4], adj., (LL)happy, glad. 2. 欣然 [xin1ran2], adv., gladly (consent, etc.). 3. 欣賞 [xin1shang3], v.t., to appreciate, like (good writing), enjoy (the moon, garden, etc.). 4. 欣羨 [xin1xian4], v.i., to envy (s.o.’s luck, wealth); adore (person). 5. 欣喜 [xin1xi3], v.i. & adj., glad: 欣喜若狂 in ruptures, jubilantly happy. 6. 欣欣 [xin1xin1], adv., (1) happily (take to journey); 欣欣自得 proud and self-satisfied; (2) 欣欣向榮 (vegetation, business) prosper, thrive. 7. 欣慰 [xin1wei4], adj., glad to hear news, read your letter. 8. 欣躍 [xin1yUe4], v.i., dance for joy.