释义 |
次次 | 1018A15 63A.81-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 6 | ㄘˋ [ci4] | N. | (1) Order, sequence: 次序,次第,次比 [ci4xU4], [ci4di4], [ci4bi4]↓; 依次 one by one in order; 位次 seating arrangement; 官次 official rank. (2) Number of times, time or instance: 次數 [ci4shu4]↓; 多次 many times; 第一次 the first time; 再次 a second time; 歷次 many times in the past. (3) Location, stopping place during travel: 客次,旅次 while sojourning abroad; 舟次 during voyage; 胸次 (lit.) the chest region, (fig.) mental attitude (broad- or narrow-mindedness). (4) Time: 正行之次 while walking.
| V.t. | (AC) to stop over (at some place).
| Adj. | (1) The second, the next: 次子,次媳 second son, daughter-in-law; 次日,次年 the next day, year; 居次 stand as number two; 次之 next to it; 其次 the next in order or importance; 次於 next to s.t. in order or importance; 次要 next in importance. (2) Second-rate: 次等,次貨 [ci4deng3], [ci4huo4]↓; 求其次 look for the second best; 人頭太次 (coll.) has too few friends or social contacts.
| Words | 1. 次比 [ci4bi4], (1) n., order of arrangement; (2) (AC) to rank with. 2. 次等 [ci4deng3], adj., second-class, grade. 3. 次第 [ci4di4], (1) n., order, sequence; n., main threads; (2) adv., one after another. 4. 次骨 [ci4gu3], phr., (AC)=刺骨 cut to the bones (sharp wind, law). 5. 次貨 [ci4huo4], n., second-rate merchandise. 6. 次長 [ci4zhang3], n., vice-minister. 7. 次篆 [ci1zhuan4], n., (LL) person's “second” or poetic name. 8. 次席 [ci4xi2], n., second highest seat. 9. 次數 [ci4shu4], n., number of times. 10. 次序 [ci4xU4] ([ci4xU0]), n., order of sequence. 11. 次印 [ci4yin4], n., see [ci4zhuan4]↑. 12. 次韻 [ci4yUn4], v.i., to write poem with same rhyme words as those used in a previous poem by a friend, usu. about same occasion.