释义 |
橈橈 | 132C40 10B.70-1 | 部居
| 畫數 16 | ㄋㄠˊ [nao2] (*ㄖㄠˊ [rao2] ). | N. | (1) A piece of bent or twisted wood. (2) (*[rao2]) An oar, a paddle.
| V.i. & t. | (1) V.t., (AC) weaken: 謀橈某人之權 plot to weaken s.o.’s power or influence. (2) (AC) scatter: 橈萬物者莫疾乎風 nothing scatters things about so quickly as the wind. (3) V.t., (AC) become bent, twisted: 棟橈 the beam has become bent.