释义 |
樓樓 | 143C10 10B.93-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄌㄡˊ [lou2] | N. | (1) A storied building: 樓房 [lou2fang2]↓; 洋樓 a foreign-style building; 樓閣 [lou2ge2]↓; 酒樓 a restaurant, a wine shop; 茶樓 a teahouse; 玉樓 a magnificent mansion; 小樓 a small attic; 紅樓 a red-painted building, also women's quarters; 青樓 a brothel; 花樓,彩樓 a temporary platform decorated with festoons for celebration; 樓臺,樓廂,樓梯,樓板 [lou2tai2], [lou2xiang1], [lou2ti1], [lou2ban3],↓; 一樓,二樓 1st, 2nd floor in U.S.A., 2nd, 3rd floor in Britain; 十層樓 a ten-storied building; 摩天高樓 a skyscraper; 高樓大廈 tall buildings, big mansions; 樓頂 [lou2ding3], 樓底(下)[lou2di3]([xia4])↓; 一樓一底 a two-storied building. (2) A structure with an upper deck: 樓車 [lou2jU1]↓, 樓船 [lou2chuan2]↓; 牌樓 a stone or wooden arch or archway either permanent or temporary; 城樓 gate tower; 城門樓 ditto; 望樓 watchtower, a lookout. (3) A surname.
| Words | 1. 樓板 [lou2ban3], n., flooring of an upper storey. 2. 樓船 [lou2chuan2]. n., formerly, a ship with an upper deck. 3. 樓底 (下) [lou2di3]([xia4]), n., downstairs, the ground floor. 4. 樓頂 [lou2ding3], n., the upper stories, upstairs; the top of a tall building. 5. 樓房 [lou2fang2], n., a storied building. 6. 樓閣 [lou2ge2], n., a tower for enjoying distant views, often with partitions thrown open. 7. 樓車 [lou2jU1], n., a chariot with a turret. 8. 樓櫓 [lou2lu3], n., a movable wooden watchtower (also wr. 樓 ). 9. 樓上 [lou2shang4], n., upstairs. 10. 樓下 [lou2xia4], n., downstairs. 11. 樓廂 [lou2xiang1], n., a box on second floor in theater. 12. 樓臺 [lou2tai2], n., a terrace, a stage for theatrical performances. 13. 樓梯 [lou2ti1], n., a staircase, ladder. 14. 樓座 [lou2zuo4], n., (seats in) the gallery or balcony of a theater.