释义 |
樂樂 | 1392A35 93.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄌㄜˋ [le4] (happy; *ㄩㄝˋ [yUe4] , music; *ㄧㄠˋ [yao4] , to like). | N. | (1) (*[yUe4]) Music: 樂器,樂譜 [yUe4qi4], [yUe4pu3]↓; 樂隊 [yUe4dui4]↓; 奏樂 play music; 交響樂 symphony; 室內樂 chamber music; 管絃樂 string and flute; 搖滾樂 rock-’n-’roll music; 爵士樂 jazz; 聲樂 vocal music; 器樂 instrumental music; 聖樂 sacred music; 教會音樂 church music. (2) (*[yUe4]) A surname. (3) Pleasure; enjoyment: 快樂,安樂 ditto; 享樂 enjoy life; 取樂,作樂 amuse oneself: 苦中作樂 try to be happy amidst adverse circumstances.
| V.t. | (1) (*[yao4], re. pr. of certain classic phrr.) To love (s.t.): 仁者樂山,智者樂水 a true man loves the mountains, a wise man loves the sea; 樂群 [yao4qUn2]↓. (2) To love, enjoy: 樂善好施 love to do philanthropic work; 樂此不疲 love, enjoy doing s.t. without stop.
| Adj. | Happy, glad, enjoying oneself: 你樂不樂 are you happy? 我真樂 I am most happy; 小孩樂了 the child smiles; 安樂,快樂,歡樂 happy; 樂不可支 “unbearably,” extremely happy; 樂不思蜀 phr., so happy as to forget home country; 樂極生悲 phr., joy gives place to sorrow; 樂天知命 phr., contented with one's lot; 樂觀 [le4guan1]↓.
| Adv. | Gladly, happily, glad to, happy to: 樂於從命 most happy to obey; 樂於,樂得 [le4yU0], [le4de0]↓; 樂助 glad to help, gladly help; 非我所樂聞 not what I would like to hear, i.e., I disapprove.
| Words | 1. 樂器 *[yUe4qi4], n., musical instrument. 2. 樂處 [le4chu4], n., s.t. one enjoys, pleasure: 沒有樂處 no pleasure in it. 3. 樂群 *[yao4qUn2] ([le4qUn2]), phr., group play, group life as part of education. 4. 樂曲 *[yUe4qU3], n., a melody, a musical composition. 5. 樂得 [le4de2] ([le4de0]), adj., happy to have the chance to: 樂得逍遙自在 happy to live one's own life; 樂得白吃 happy to eat without pay; 樂得作個順水人情 glad to do s.t. regarded as a favor without trouble to oneself. 6. 樂典 *[yUe4dian3], n., musicological works. 7. 樂隊 *[yUe4dui4], n., orchestra: 軍樂隊 military band; 交響樂隊 symphony orchestra; 爵士樂隊 jazz band. 8. 樂府 *[yUe4fu3], n., anc. songs for court entertainment, esp. Hahn and Jihn Dyns. 9. 樂觀 [le4guan1], n. & adj., optimism; optimistic. 10. 樂國 [le4guo2], n., a paradise. 11. 樂戶 *[yUe4hu4], n., anc. singer or musician under government control, later professional musician, also professional prostitute. 12. 樂章 *[yUe4zhang1], n., a musical composition; a song composition. 13. 樂境 [le4jing4], n., happy situation, surroundings. 14. 樂兒 [le4er0], n., (1) 招樂兒,逗樂兒 try to win laughter of child or audience; (2) some kind of enjoyment: 找樂兒,取樂兒 seek distraction; 這不是甚麼個樂兒 this is nothing to enjoy. 15. 樂利 [le4li4], n., profit and pleasure. 16. 樂理 *[yUe4li3], n., theory of music. 17. 樂譜 *[yUe4pu3], n., musical score, score sheets. 18. 樂輸 [le4shu1], v.t., volunteer to contribute (money, effort). 19. 樂施 [le4shi1], phr., philanthropic. 20. 樂事 [le4shi4], n., a happy event; s.t. one enjoys. 21. 樂天 [le4tian1], adj., as in 樂天知命 contented with one's lot; acceptance of fate and happy about it. 22. 樂從 [le4cong2], v.t., happily obey, follow. 23. 樂土 [le4tu3], n., a paradise. 24. 樂紋兒 [le4werer0], n., a dimple. 25. 樂業 [le4ye4], n., professional enthusiasm. 26. 樂意 [le4yi4], v.t. & adj., willing, to like: 看你樂意不樂 see if you are willing, if you like it. 27. 樂於 [le4yU0], v.i., happy to (do). 28. 樂園 [le4yUan2], n., a paradise; 兒童樂園 children's playground. 29. 樂育 [le4yU4], n., education in games, recreation, healthy sports.