释义 |
業業 | 348C30 22.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄧㄝˋ [ye4] | N. | (1) Profession, line of business or industry: 事業 career, a project, an undertaking; 職業 profession, vocation; 本業,正業 main profession; 副業 a side line, an avocation; 工業 industry; 商業 business, trade, commerce; 農業 agriculture; 實業 industry; 停業 close up shop; 轉業 to change one's occupation; 休業 business closed; 失業 unemployed; 成家立業 have a home and profession. (2) School studies, education: 學業 ditto; 肄業 to study (at some school); 畢業 graduate; 受業 study under (teacher); 修業 to study; (3) Achievement: 功業 ditto; 創業 founding of a house, a dynasty or any permanent institution. (4) Property: 產業 ditto; 賣業 sell property; 業主 [ye4zhu3]↓. (5) (Sanskr. karma; Budd.) total accumulation of thoughts and actions which determines or influences person's future: 業障 [ye4zhang4]↓.
| V.t. | To practise certain profession: 業醫 practise medicine; 業農 be a farmer, etc.
| Adv. | Already: 業已,業經 [ye4yi3], [ye4jing1]↓: 業已病故 already died of illness.
| Words | 1. 業障 [ye4zhang4], n., the burden of sin, which is “obstacle” to one's life (also wr. 孽障); (abuse) a prodigal son, any one constantly causing trouble: 我的業障 seed of my sin, s.o. unwanted and cannot be got rid of. 2. 業經 [ye4jing1], adv., already (approved, delivered, broken, etc.). 3. 業主 [ye4zhu3], n., owner of property. 4. 業種 [ye4zhong3], n. & adj., (abuse) bastard (also wr. 孽種). 5. 業師 [ye4shi1], n., person's teacher or professional master. 6. 業務 [ye4wu4], n., business affairs. 7. 業業 [ye4ye4], phr., 兢兢業業 (AC, LL) with great fear and caution. 8. 業已 [ye4yi3], adv., already, see [ye4jing1]↑. 9. 業餘 [ye4yU2], adj., outside business or office hours (as clubs for various hobbies), amateur, nonprofessional.