释义 |
棋棋 | 137B15 10B.80-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄑㄧˊ [qi2] . [Anc. var. ; pop.碁] | N. | A game of chess, go, checkers, draughts and similar games: 下棋,下一盤棋,賽棋,圍棋 to play any of these games; 象棋 Chin. chess, similar to Western chess; 圍棋 “go” in Japanese, with 324 squares [WEdit: should read "381 points"] played with black and white pieces; 跳棋 draughts or checkers; 棋子,棋盤,棋譜 [qi2zi3], [qi2pan2], [qi2pu3]↓; 棋布,棋列 to set out in some formation (as stars); 棋峙 (AC) to match in power as rivals (as in Three Kingdoms); 棋戰 a chess match; 棋聖 national champion at chess.
| Words | 1. 棋局 [qi2jU2], n., (1) chess pattern of men in certain positions; (2) a game of chess. 2. 棋盤 [qi2pan2], n., a chessboard. 3. 棋品 [qi2pin3], n., character or grade of chess player. 4. 棋譜 [qi2pu3], n., manual of chess with illustrations. of different stratagems. 5. 棋子 (兒) [qi2zi3] ([qi2tzeeer0]), n., chess pieces, chessmen; draughtsmen; a kind of small dumplings, looking like chess pieces.